8 October 2013

About Well Hell Time Black Pete Showed Up

Terror FaceFront page. White Pete in the fancy cave office is no longer able to keep up with paying inflated bills. Work pressure keeps mounting, and there is no Black Pete around to blame. Nor Black people. We are the first to get fired whenever they feel like it. Unless we managed to get our hooks into a white Pete who knows better than to let his sacrificial lamb escape so easily. Once you condone to being the Black Pete of someone who carries much weight, the other white Pete will have to back the well hell off, and find another goat. By then any color will do.

2 October 2013

Shut Us Down to Show Us Down

The ScreamOctober 1st. What a beautiful day to shutdown NASA. What?! Son of a dog. Now they done did it!  You thought that they were done creating crises for us? How do you like your shutdown? Shaken or stirred? Poor Denzel. He is going to have a hard time playing Obama in the movie. Obama plays Obama best. Never mind the weak jokes. What I want to know is how many years it took them to prepare this cherry on top of their terrorist pie. This is too big of an operation to put together within a few months. You still care about who utters what lie?

GOP shutdown. What do I care?

27 September 2013

Hell Land Tops This Easily - They Made Us Into Debtors


As I get ready to deal with the figures for reparations for Hell Land, I found that Kushite Prince had a gem. This picture shows the figures of paid reparations for the United States of Insanity. I do not

25 July 2013

White Pete Causing Bodily Harm

AmINextTrayvon BARTrayvon Martin is still dead. Those who got his organs are still alive, and could not care less about what happened to the 'donor'. We need to "get over it already". The snatching has been going on for centuries. Why get upset now? It is useless to look for compassion where there is none. Action. Show these defaulting beings that we taught them everything that they know. Minus the live vile evil streak. It is about high time that we lift the veil. Show them that we know the difference between Nature and their nature. To stop helping them kill us, and start fighting back by boycotting their toxic produce. For just one day. Detoxing actually takes three days, but this is the introduction class.

Blissfully unaware of the specifics of the boycott, I almost made it. I had forgotten my

16 July 2013

Know Why White Pete Wanted Kwaku

Crowd - Misha Gordon7Too many things on my mind, my mind on too many things. That means that I need to unload. Let me start with the obvious. The Trayvon Martin case - to call it what it was - seemed like just another unreality tele-sick-vision show, as it had the same script. A finely scripted script with finely scripted roles. A big divide across the color lines for the ignorant audience that has been fed empty white babble about justice for all in a white supremacy system. Black people get into an emotional state, while white Pete remains ice cold. Quite comfortable with his own sick vision, white Pete allows the audience to entertain him. Feeding us more empty babble to get our blood boiling. The verdict? If the "creepy cracka" does not fit, then you must acquit.

We now await the civil law suit, so we can watch Trayvon's parents triumph like the family of OJ's dead wife did. Never mind that the government agent

12 July 2013

I Am Tired of Looking at White Pete

LanguageAs I was reading a post written by Hued Flower, I felt like writing a comment. I had a long day, and as I lost my notebook with over three weeks of unprocessed notes, I was not fully centered. My notes are useless to other people, because I do not use names of others unless I make lecture notes. I can imagine that the notebook nevertheless makes an interesting read. I learn from this. I should not have let go of the notebook so someone could write something down that I did not need. I have already taken steps to change this habit.

Without my notes, it is more difficult to put together articles. I was going to write on banking for one site, and on using temporary work agencies to get employment on NBP. Among many many other things.

8 July 2013

What Is This Thing Called White Pete?

Wanting It AllUnderstanding White Pete As Much As We Can
by No Black Pete (2013)

As an introduction to the lecture "Letting go of white Pete, to embrace your Self", I would like us to venture into "Understanding white Pete as much as we can".

White Pete will never be able to understand how it is to be fully human. Only a few of them want to know, and even fewer make an effort to overcome their genetic deficiency and heal. I do not know even one white Pete that has healed. I know many who fool themselves to believe that they are holy. Most of them keep busy pointing at the humanity of Black people. They cannot appreciate what they do not recognize. So they ridicule and brutalize, hoping that it will cause Black people to act as deficient as possible - which is what they would call "normal". Indeed, their norm-for-all is deficiency. Also known as insanity or imbecilism (dumbing down).

Still embracing white Pete? Even though this is not an attack on white Pete

6 July 2013

White Pete Turning Black Power Into Profit

For the first time since whenever, I will not be at Amsterdam Roots Festival at Oosterpark. As happens in so many cities all across Europe, these park festivals are a way to enjoy the Summer in the cities left behind by residents and swarming with tourists. Those left behind or coming from afar band together in the parks, and enjoy themselves. All festivals have one thing in common: they are free of charge.

Burning HoopGood luck trying to get into Oosterpark without paying admission fee this year. They have changed a public park festival into a money-making machine. City council spends tax money on the festival and have us pay admission fee. They want us to pay pay pay for

2 July 2013

Kwakoe Came Alive At Keti Koti

Biki Spikri 2011 - 18I do not work on Keti Koti day, that is why I posted an update the day before. And now it is the day after. Back to work soldiers. On Keti Koti I was about to conclude that I had not much to complain about when it came to the festival in Oosterpark in Amsterdam. But, that was before I heard them announce that Aptijt was not going to perform. Nevertheless, something was pleasantly different. Someone worded it exactly right. This Keti Koti festival felt exactly like Kwakoe. The old Kwakoe, not what became of it in the struggle for 'power'. Was there still any Keti Koti to Keti Koti? Well, the owner was present.

Let me explain. It is no secret that I waste no time losing 'love' on the Oranges or Red Shields or whomever owns the subjects of certain countries. The new

23 June 2013

The Black Laundry List

Be Free ChriscrazyhMost of us forced by the Diaspora to take root outside of Africa, have been separated from our previous and continuing rich Black history. Those who survived the maiming, raping and killing by the white and pale horses, got whipped into the dark image of the cancers that lurk beneath their defective skin. They cannot help themselves, and need us to take on the responsibility for their lives as they continue to seek to control and destroy.

They cannot survive without us. They have us locked into a codependent relationship. But make no mistake, for as long as we continue to play along,

16 June 2013

The White Serenity Spell

ProtectionWhere there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor vexation. Where there is poverty and joy, there is neither greed nor avarice. Where there is peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt. -- The Counsels of the Holy Father St. Francis, Admonition 27

This quote calling for submittance by Francis of Assisi is used, because some attribute the serenity prayer to him. White Wikipedia shows that a guy named Niebuhr is to be credited. Let Pete and the pale horses argue about it. The serenity prayer is only relevant because it is the main spell used in AA, and the Twelve Steps of Black Anon are based on the twelve steps of AA. Once upon a time some jhws got together and decided that they were going to start a cult based on helping themselves to ban the-evil of alcoholism from their lives. They had such an appetite for alcohol that the only thing that was left for them to do, was to put a Higher Power in between them and the-evil. As they claimed success,

9 June 2013

Black Anon

Makes Me Wanna Holla Marcus Kwame Anderson

The Twelve Steps of Black Anon
  1. We admitted we were powerless over racists and racist behavior - that our lives had become unmanageable because we gave them our power.

5 June 2013

White Pete Causes Black People to Holly Disappear

Black Soldiers In WW2 - NACommemoration? After a month of jhw victimhood reinforced, what will be made of the pain of their victims? Keti Koti month? I did not see any bill boards announcing such a thing. Oh well, back to my side of the street, and deal with the real. Not to sit around and wait for the Dutch who are still heavily investing in slavery, to cough up the money owned to Black people as a whole, and reparations to be made to descendents of their formerly and currently enslaved in their former and current Kingdom of Neanderland, to save their own souls. They have had ample opportunity to come correct, and they just laughed at the 'foolishness' of still having a soul to answer to.

They have come to accept that we do not fight back in the dirty way that classifies

3 June 2013

Leaving Keti Koti to Dutchess

DG Keti Koti Amsterdam
Keti Koti month started today, June 1st. Keti Koti (literally 'chains cut') concerns the formal abolishment of the physical enslavement of Africans and African Americans in Suriname. Suriname is a country in South-America that has been aligned with the countries in the Caribbean Sea. That is, Suriname (Dutch Guyana), British Guyana, and French Guyana, form the three countries in South-America that are considered part of the Caribbean, based on the common story of physical and mental Black slavery and servitude. No one questions why the same does not apply to Brazil and Venezuela. It is irrelevant for now. Keti Koti deals with the formal abolishment of slavery in Suriname.

As I have been ignorant about Keti Koti month, I was not set to write an article

31 May 2013

White Pete Is Not the Only Kryptonite

Boa Constrictor Hellfrain VisionsThere is so much to write about, that I have to guard myself from suffering a scattered brain. No need to hamper the recovery of my mind. Let me check my footing, before I look back up to get started. Yes, my limited editions still look fresh after two years. Time to get to work. Aaargh. What. The. Hell?! I looked down for just a minute, and as I looked back up all the Black people disappeared. There are some people walking about that look vaguely brown. I think they erroneously call them Morrocons. Moor cons. This branch of whitened arabs think of Black people as 'monkeys and gorillas'. Well hell, you better watch your banana around them. They are working for the enemy, and do not care about it beyond their pay check.

The new generation of arab Morrocons, have the white Pete disease down to an art. It is not that they use the same white babble - as until recently few of them have been allowed into universities. No, it is the whitening of their skin and features,

26 May 2013

Ignoring Slavery Makes White Pete Call It Stockholm Syndrome

MelaninaAll I see is a competition between slaves, while the sick master minds keep out of sight. Pleased to see that the slaves who dare rebel against white Pete and Setan, remain unaware of it causing more strife. Any hate adds to the power of Setan. It is important not to get stuck having feelings for white Pete.  There is no need to envy slaves who seem to do better. Because, if they knew better, we would not all still be slaves. Leave the envy to the sick ones, we do not have time to go tanning. Look around. Recognize the game plan, and leave Animal Farm.

It is time to deal with our Stockholm Syndrome. It is worse than Traumatic Slavery Syndrome. Even white Pete shows as much. At the end of 1984 by outsider-insider Eric

18 May 2013

No Desire For Their Psychopathic Walhalla

Klan Initiation
This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the “Quiet War/’ being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with “silent weapons.”
This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry. — From Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (1979) attributed to the Bilderberg Group
It is important for our children to learn to defend their selves. As we draw up the plan to be able to effectively shield and efficiently counterattack on all levels, it will be clear that we need to know who the enemies are. What is it that we need to be able to defend our selves against? Just look. Look past all the fake smiles and stop listening to the empty white babble. Look at their sick advertisements. The bill boards plastered all over the city, the magazines and newspapers, television and YouTube. Stop sending that next text-message on your ‘smart’ phone that has a

15 May 2013

White Pete Cannot Sin

“Our Father in Heaven, Holy be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we also forgave those who sinned against us. Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil”. -- Modern version of the Lord's Prayer -- Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4
Who made up this prayer, thinking themselves 'our Father'? Unless we are clear about the fraud, we should not be surprised to find ourselves wasting time on the wrong 'gods'. These human miscreants mean business. To rule this earth as their kingdom. Leaving us to be sanyasis begging them for some daily crumbs. It would not be half as bad if they would give us decent food. But, not only do we get experimented on with Frankenstein food, they actually make us pay for it. Worse, they overcharge us. Frankenfood is the cheapest 'food' they can manufacture,

11 May 2013

What Is Hindsight Without Eyesight?

sadnessNo matter how hard I try, I do not see it. I do not see this change happening that should come from all the hard work done to burst the white bubble. Why are these psychopaths still faring well? Karma is not about the after-life, it is about life. So why in life, are these murderers not suffering for their misdeeds? They have no need for their soul, but should that not hurt? Or are their pharma drugs keeping them from feeling it?

7 May 2013

Remember the Parable of the Mote and the Beam

god-complexAs we get taxed into a special kind of poverty, the ones living comfortably behind their cloak of victimhood keep pointing their stumpy fingers at those who helped them into their global wealth. Of course I am talking about the enslaved Africans first and foremost. But, as the global guilt day has finally passed, I feel like sharing a bit more on their aids from their own pyramid.

Their aids who were no longer of use, were killed or otherwise sacrificed. Amazingly, even those put on public display remained loyal to their sick bosses. Or were they operating on a 'need to know' basis, and they did

29 April 2013

White Pete Uses A Holly Stick

King LogoJust call it a miracle. The Rijksmuseum (State museum) got finished just in time for the coronation - yes, inauguration -  of the new king of the orange house. The Dutch media dutifully did as ordered and portrayed him as a 'humane' king. How would they know? Did they forget to tell us that he has already been ruling for a while? These people feed us lies while they keep the agenda on track. I wonder what Agenda 21 is called in Dutch. Ah. 'Agenda 21'. It works well in many languages. How cunning of them. New World Caste Order for them, New World Slavery for us. Is there any place where Black people are free from them? Africa?! Is that not where they 'collected' some of us in the first place?

21 April 2013

White Babble Is Effective Miscommunication

Do Not Be FooledIt should be clear by now that there are different groups of people involved in the upholding of Black people as the latest slav class. If we leave the current top of the pyramid for what it is - unclear - we can focus on what is clear. The top of the pyramid hides behind the self-chosen sick ones. The sick ones make it easy, as they want to show the world that their 'god' has chosen them to rule the world. It is not a complete and utter lie. They made it into a lie by naming their god JHWH, and used this to distract people from the top of their pyramid. Then these self-proclaimed JHWs concocted new sick ways of controlling the minds of the masses for their Setan. They have an extra-special

8 April 2013

White Pete Is But the Pale Horse of Setan

Today throughout the five continents of the globe it is Europe and most sections of America that are renowned for law and order, government and commerce, art and industry, science, philosophy and education. Yet in ancient times these were the most savage of the world’s peoples, the most ignorant and brutish. They were even stigmatized as barbarians—that is, utterly rude and uncivilized.
Further, from the fifth century after Christ until the fifteenth, that period defined as the Middle Ages, such terrible struggles and fierce

29 March 2013

Black Pete Shows Us How Dysfunctional White Pete Is

“We have come to understand that both the passive and the aggressive behavioral defense systems are reactions to the same kinds of childhood trauma, to the same kinds of emotional wounds. The Family Systems Dynamics research shows that within the family system, children adopt certain roles according to their family dynamics. Some of these roles are more passive, some are more aggressive, because in the competition for attention and validation within a family system the children must adopt different types of behaviors in order to feel like an individual.”

20 March 2013

Speeding Up to Be Able to Cut Through Black Pete

Blackface Jesus - TamindzicThe layers of insanity are thick. It is a wonder that I can see anything at all. Then again, it is no wonder, because I can barely see anything at all. They blinded us, and then pierced a tiny hole through which they pour in their sickness. I may not be holding on to their Testaments, nor call them gods, but I know that I am still blind too. I am still not in control over my own mind.

12 March 2013

Back People Requests for NiNsee News

child ignoranceThe Dutch Government Killed NiNsee
No Black Pete comments on March 4, 2012

Dear searchers for our Truth,

I have noticed that some visitors to my site request some more information on NiNsee. And, I did promise that I would have something up by the end of January. However, I was unable to attend the New Year’s reception that NiNsee had organized, and I have not

4 March 2013

Black Pete Eating Black Pete Cake Takes the Cake

triggeredAs I have been enjoying taking it easy, well easier, I was not planning to write another article for a while. But, after reading about some white psychopath Petes killing and eating Black women, I was already tempted to write about the torture of (pregnant) Black women and their infants, during the period of physical and mental Black slavery. There had been some protests over the slave torturer called Marion Sims getting a statue in New York. He got it. Just to show Black people what Santa still has in mind for us.

27 February 2013

White Pete Has A Mind Prepared For Double Talk

Fusion'It is so hard.'  Yes, and? What does that have to do with anything? It is the plan. For things to be so hard for you, that you give up. They want your submission, your obedience. And they work hard twenty-four seven, to ensure that you sink to your knees. There is no law against you crying about your pathetic state, but how about getting off your knees? And get to clearing up the mess you created in your ignorance. There is no savior coming. You are it. Pull yourself up, and show that it can be done. It may be 'hard', but people do it all the time. When are you

18 February 2013

Black Pete Made Me Do It

Lion Black and White ProfileDear followers, likers, and readers,

Thank you for your well-wishes. I am doing as well as I can, and will be doing better as soon as I can. I have been taking it easy, well easier, but I have been continuing my real education, and taking notes (and names). 

1 February 2013

Why Would White Pete Care About Black Health?

Fear FaceThat was a close call. The morning after my last post, I could no longer be active. I had run out of fuel. All I could do was take some medication, and remain inactive. Saving grace. The medication worked faster than I had expected. I stopped sliding into oblivion. Immanent danger. My body still did not like the medication. The toxic pills always help at first, if taken in a low dosage, but then my body goes into attack mode. It does not have the energy to keep me active, but it knows where to find the energy to fight the medication. I came to solve that puzzle too.

23 January 2013

Black Pete Has Been Killing Me Not So Softly

Do not let those doctors fool you. They do not teach all doctors the same. Most doctors are just barely trained to deal with basic health problems. They are all trained to sell you pharma pills, but most of the doctors do not even know what is in the pills. They lay that responsibility on you. All doctors get trained in white medicine, but only a few know enough about the constitution of a Black person. If you want your doctor to be of any help, then you need to make sure that the doctor knows that medications and other treatments work differently on Black people than it does on white.

It takes an understanding of the most basic of things, to see why Black people are at such a disadvantage when it comes to

17 January 2013

You Do Not Like Your Black Pete Job? Let White Pete Help You Find Another One.

As an introduction to the second part of the list, I feel like sharing a summarized story. Two years ago, a ‘befriended’ white lawyer looked at me, and told me to look for a job where I could work with my hands. Even though, he has asked me for ‘advice’ on many legal issues, he felt that it would be better if I did not practice law. That it would be therapeutic for me to just find a job working with my hands. Like he had done himself many years ago. He had been a gardener for a while.
Black Hand
No, I did not curse, nor spit, nor did the Kill Bill thing to stop his heart from beating. I just looked at him, and realized that he was not the smartest of the bunch of racist lawyers. How did he suppose that all the black letters appear on the white paper? If not for my hands?! Never mind the blatant racism

13 January 2013

How Can You Look At Black Pete And Not Know Where to Get A Job?

What are the jobs for Black people? Well, Satan Claus went through all that trouble of dressing white Pete up, and you still do not know? It is a good thing that I have been paying attention. Ever since I got on the job market aeons ago. Instead of conducting a survey and interviews, I will put aside white science that is intent on killing Nature. I will just use the sense that Nature gave me, nothing common about it. Here goes the 'we already knew that…' list. Oh, I almost forget the general warning for the use of a lot of sarcasm, irony and plain old ridicule. I will get more 'scientific' in a next post (if I can come up with a good reason to do so).

zwarte piet 7
- Black Pete does not get a pay. Enter welfare slave. Get money from the government for giving the government all your information, and the information of your children and children's children. All that information is worth a fortune, but

9 January 2013

Black Pete Shows Black People to Act Like White Pete

Santa-Pete MadnessThe Black Pete program is still running, but what does that have to do with me? I know that I am not Black Pete, and I do not strive to be white Pete. I have no business entering into relationships with people who seek to exploit me. I deem it a sign of sanity to seek the company of those who do not care about the color of my skin. Or their own. Santa will exploit anyone to suit his greed.

It is frustrating to talk to people who might want to understand how the Black Pete program blocks the way for Black people, but they cannot see their part in it. White Pete is excluding Black people from jobs? How can that be news? White Pete does not care about Black people, because white Santa teaches him not to. So, why would white Pete want to hire a Black person? They are still not used to having to pay us for anything.

5 January 2013

Black Pete Shows What Kind of Black Is Ugly

Vatican Swiss Guards 2The post that was to be published today was on Black Pete showing Black people what jobs we are allowed to have in this sick society. It was almost finished. All that was left is to do, was to tone it down. People might take offense to me typecasting Black people in all the wrong ways. Which would be exactly the point. Still, the light of reality might be too bright for those just waking up. Never mind, it will have to wait. I have more important things on my mind. One of them is 'beauty'.

That white Pete is adamant about showing a stupid Black Pete, is clear. But, the story does not end there. The image to be branded into the brains of all the Satan Claus followers, is that Black people are not just the expected slaves, but ugly slaves on