The same thing that is wrong with the supermarket food, is wrong with white Pete medications. It is all synthetic. My body needs nutrients, not poison. So, if I cannot get nutrients out of the toxic supermarket food, what do I expect to get from toxic pharmaceutical pills? My body was right to fight what it cannot process, but how about one problem at a time?! The first problem was that I could not trust white Pete to help me, thus I had to rely on my own body to tell me what to do. And in deciphering its language, I could also not trust on white Pete. (I simply refer to all my previous posts.) So, no matter my current situation, I did not go to Emergency. I had no need for their drugs, nor their misconception of health 'care' - never mind cure.
I saw a documentary many years ago, where they showed how patients got kicked out of hospitals in America. As soon as the hospital found out that the patient had no medical insurance, the patient was put out of the back door, and left outside to go figure things out. Dressed only in their hospital gown, and maybe some socks. So what, if they get run over by a car, as they still reel from the concussion they got from the last hit that sent them to the Emergency in the first place? They should have thought of that before they 'refused' to have proper insurance! This signaled the end of health care, or maybe the outing of double-talk in the medical field. 'We say health care, but we only care about keeping you unhealthy so we can charge you, and get to your money.'
So, when I got kicked out of AMC (Amsterdam Medisch Centrum) - a Dutch hospital - several years ago, I should not have been surprised to find that the Dutch are quite American in their philosophy towards Black people. Or better put, the Americans - many having Dutch and German heritage - have been more explicit in the covert eugenics principles that the Dutch hold dear. Yet, the Dutch still trump the American Dutch - or Cauc-Asians if you please. I got kicked out of the hospital, even though I had insurance to cover the emergency hospital stay and presumably the following health 'care'. My crime? Going to the hospital while Black. No need to call the police, I was not DWB (driving while Black). I got ambulanced into Emergency, but I was deemed too Black to be taken care of. Very interesting as this hospital is located in - or at least next to - a supposed Black neighborhood.
After they ignored my plight, I got drugged. And after a few hours left alone to contemplate my sins in a hospital bed in an empty room, I got summoned out of bed. I guess I was not going to get my hospital dinner, after all. A Moroccan nurse stood beside my bed telling me to get up. I had overstayed my welcome. As she had no wheel chair to get me out of the room, I got some respite. But, I could not get my mind to work properly. As I look back, I know that I should have called my family doctor, and get her to either explain or take responsibility for my 'release'. But, back then I was fighting to get my body to work properly, make sense out of the situation, and deal with the irresponsible behavior of the hospital by the actions of the nurse.
They found a wheel chair after all, and a white nurse took me on a detour to make sure that I felt as much pains as I could during the bumpy ride through the big hall. It was not the normal route to take, so I knew they were making an extra effort to inflict more pain. Then I got dumped at front lobby. I had to get up from the wheel chair, and shuffle my way to seats away from the lobby desk, as she watched me suffer. 'So long, and do not come back.' She did not say that, she just looked pleased as she walked away.
When I could finally pull myself somewhat together, I realized that I had thrown my phone in my bag before I got hauled off to the hospital. I called a cab. The cab company refused to send someone, as hospital policy was that the hospital was to call the cab. The nightmare continued. So, now that I was ready to just leave, I found that I had no way of getting far away from those eugenically inclined doctors.
I decided to call family members, to see if someone could pick me up. I did not want to have to deal with their questions, but there was no other choice. I could not express myself well in the first few phone calls, and those kind people dealt with me as they would any crazy person: hang up. So, finally I got someone who assumed that I was someone else, to pick me up. He was close to the hospital. The immense relief gave me some energy. I did not know what the hell was going on, but I was not going to be a part of their hell anymore. I made my way to the entrance, and stood outside. Thinking that if I made it home, I was to make sure never to go back to AMC, no matter what. I crawled into the car, and found myself forced to socialize. It was a small price to pay if I could just get home. And I did. My head was reeling from the drugs, and what had happened in the hospital.
I was an awful experience richer, but no step closer to a solution. I would see many more white doctors, telling me nonsense, before I was to call it quits. Just listening to the nonsense, made me feel ill. Black people are to conform to their nonsense, or else we are deemed a nuisance. But, wait a minute. Do we not pay for 'health care' through this health insurance scheme that has been forced upon us? Obama care, but then ten times worse. People who do not pay the ridiculous insurance fee, get fined. Without the option of a court looking at the case. A clear violation of article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Dutch government wants us to pay for the health scam daylight robbery, no matter what. It is yet another form of taxation. If I pay for health care, but do not get even 'care', then I am paying health tax.
As I have proof that the white doctors did nothing to help me, I do not feel obliged to pay the tax. Let the government get their money from the doctors who cashed their pay check anyway. No cure no pay, is foreign to them. They get paid no matter what they do. They can butcher someone, and still cash that check. Now, if they are willing to butcher white people for money, what am I to think of what they are willing to do to Black people? And I am to put my trust in them?! No, more Emergency nightmares. My body was giving out, but I stayed at home and took care of the problem myself. I had become sufficiently experienced to be able to do so. I was not going to let them drug me out of my skull again. No guinea pig here.
As more Black people wake up to the fact that we are making those white Pete doctors rich, while they could not care less about our health, that chicken nugget or that triple chocolate candy bar, can no longer keep you numb and dumb. You are not spending just one dollar, euro or pound. Nope. Now that you have spend your one dollar foolishly, you need to save up for that white Pete doctor's bill that will be waiting for you further down the eat-all-you-can line.
And they will be coming for your money, regardless of the fact that they do not desire to help you get better. They are putting more and more scam laws in place, faster than I can type. Do not wait to make a change until you find yourself kicked out of the hospital, with only your hospital gown and flip flops on.
So, it is a good thing that there are still people out there who remember that the toxic pharmaceutical pills are based on extracts from plants found in Nature. And that the constitution of Black people demands natural medication, not synthetic poison pills. When there is no natural extract available, then the synthetic pill might be a good temporary option. Sadly, I know people who have been taking synthetic pills day in and day out for years! They are still ill, sometimes even more so than before.
Thus, this is a call for Black people to learn more about our natural ways of healing our bodies. To let go of the insanity of the toxic white Pete food and drugs that block us from thinking for ourselves. Instead, to turn towards medication without synthetic poison, that works for us. We need to spend the money that we waste on white Pete doctors, on healthy food and activity. At least, that is what I am doing right now. I do right by Nature (my body), and Nature will give me the energy to keep on writing. Fair enough.
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