health. The most basic of things is food. When the food is tampered with at a core level, so it no longer possesses the nutrients that keep a Black person healthy, then illness has arrived. The illness can be outright hindering, or lay dormant for another already rainy day. Either way, medication is going to be the next step, as no doctor will stop a patient from eating gen-tech food. The most the doctor will think of is fast food, and not supermarket food. But, it is all junk food.
I am no medical doctor, but I have a body that has been warning me about a lack of nutrients. How? In the past week, I had chest pains every evening. I have had chest pains before, and I simply switched to wearing bras without the wire frames. That worked back then. I lessened the pressure on my chest. Little did I know that I was only alleviating the symptom of a dangerous problem. Those were not chest pains, but heart pains. And they came back.
My heart was trying to tell me that it had difficulty pumping through enough blood. From my medical charts I know that I can get severely anemic, and when that happens I need to be on medications immediately. However, the medications do not work, because the pharma industry is very meticulous about getting as much natural working ingredients out of the pills, and filling it with cheap toxic chemicals. My body rejects the pharma pills. I will have three problems instead of one: dangerously low blood levels, pharma poisoning, and ignorance about not getting better even though I am on prescribed medications.
So, as I was writing about Black Pete jobs, I started to feel worse and worse. I blamed it on the depressing matter at hand. But, that would be placing too much power in the hands of white Pete, and the state of Nature shows how much of a bad idea that is. No, the annoyance only added to what already was. I was going through a physical depression, because the poison food that I was eating was causing further depletion of my blood. I was eating the poison food to fight the loss of my appetite, and managed to make the problem worse. White Pete was getting to me through my food.
I consider myself lucky that I could diagnose myself in time. Low blood levels, low blood circulation, and heart pains spreading to my left arm and down to my stomach. I needed to immediately let go of any toxic food that I had been eating, and raise my intake of vitamins B, especially B9 or B11 (folic acid) and B12, in combination with B3 and B6. No, not iron that is a big and dangerous misconception. As I sprang to action and got the medication, I told my body to hold on. It would take three days for the medication to kick in. As I write this article I am still within the first 24 hours.
Two more days. I need to take the medication in a higher dose, find my appetite back, and feed myself food that will help with the blood production. My heart is not telling me that it is weak, only that there is not enough blood to go around. So, better blood production should deal with the heart problems and depression (problems with the blood flow to my brains). If I do not get to feel better in the next few days, then I am going to be the guinea pig of white Pete. I know to find one that knows more than white medicine. A tropical specialist might be the answer. Someone who has worked in the tropics or... Africa. Gasp.
I have done what I could do, and now I monitor the signs that my body gives me. I had an afternoon nap because of the anemic fatigue, so I do not expect to get pressing chest pains this evening. I have no more business outdoors, so I can stay inside and keep warm. Finish this article, and start researching my condition on the medical sites. Again. And get a better understanding of my diet. To go beyond just eating organic, instead I need to know exactly what to eat, and where to get it. It is no longer eat right, do right. But to do right, so I can eat right.
Still, if I notice that the chest pains get worse, I will have to call the Emergency Room. Even if only so they can check and monitor. Of course, they cannot drug me, but to save my life. Yet, the only thing that may save me at that point is a blood transfusion. Before I can let that happen, I need to know exactly what it is that they need to do. So, I need to push everything to the side, and do my research. While I infuse my body with the much-needed vitamins, white Pete remains my back-up plan. I cannot rely on white Pete anyway. It would not be the first time that they sent me away without checking anything properly. It is how all this mess started in the first place.
I will live to tell, because I need to write about the dangers of doctors only connecting diabetes and high blood pressure to Black people. The ones with low blood pressure, low blood circulation, low blood levels, are left to fend for themselves. I believe it is the same problem: we are not eating the right food, and are ignorant about it. We are a strong people, look at what many of us have been through, and are still going through. We have come too far to be weak. But, who is there to help us overcome?
I am not qualified to teach other people about food and health, but I am qualified to teach myself. And I have been doing so for a while. It is just that it has all come together at this point. How can I save myself if I cannot eat right? So, I take the adversity and turn it into an adventure. The answers are out there, and I can find them if I know what I am looking for. The significance of cold fingers and chest pains was only the first answer to find.
"She is not ill, she is just crazy." I do not know how many times I caught people indicating so - less politely - over the years. White doctors banned me from their offices. I just went on with my life, trying my best to stay alive, and I learned to keep away from people who could only add to the problem. Black and white people alike. I knew that I could find the answer to my unnecessary suffering, if only someone could tell me what the problem was. Someone finally did... me. I need to get my blood levels up. Find the medication that does work, and add the right food to my diet. Hold off on exercising and meditating. Continue writing, and finding answers.
It is a job that white Pete does not want me to have, so I am not getting paid for it. But, it is the job that takes priority, because it will keep me alive. I am not waiting on white Pete to cure me, I have that power myself. I will find out how they manipulate the food and medications to murder me without evidence showing. (There is something about that Tetanus shot they gave me that worries me.) It is about time that I fully wake up. Black Pete has been enough of a distraction, I now look at the white hands messing with my food and medication. I need to find out how they have come to know how to target me so effectively.
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