- Black Pete does not get a pay. Enter welfare slave. Get money from the government for giving the government all your information, and the information of your children and children's children. All that information is worth a fortune, but
you let Bill Gates and the Facebook-guy collect the money, while you are thankful for the crumbs that government is willing to part with temporarily. And, you do not get anything if you are too proud to beg. Bow down to Santa first, ask for crumbs second. Take it or leave it. Life is so desperate that most are already bent, and eager to take the crumbs. Watch the government play you for a fool.
Is it not sad that those in the poverty line pay the most taxes? You get a net check… Huh? Food stamps?! For gentech food? No, way. Demand at least the net value of the food stamps. Or set up a shop, so the people who are addicted to the poison food can buy more stamps from you. Oh, is that illegal? Do not get caught then. Anyway, you get a net check… but you pay gross prices at the store. Government steals from you twice. Government steals, and calls it legal. You sell worthless paper, get caught, and go to jail. Nothing you can do about it. Except to not get caught at all, not even in the welfare scam. Next job.
- Black Pete gets to do community service in November and December, but is locked up on the slave boat or in Spain for the rest of the year. Enter jail slave. Get caught doing what the government told you not to do, but has been pushing you towards since they got your information from the welfare system. School has prepared you to rebel against the murder of your mind, but there is nothing you can do to stop it. The pharma poison pills against your supposed ADD or ADHD, gave you DID, MPD or STD, and now you are ready for assault by the NYPD, LAPD or hick town PD.
See why it is important to learn your alphabets first? It might be the only thing you will get to learn before the pharma or junk food poison kicks in to fry whatever is left of your brain after the 'teacher' got a hold of it. The government will spare no expense to get you in jail off your tax money. No food stamps needed. You are no longer awarded poison food, but you get upgraded to stale nasty poison food. As if that is not enough, jail is stripped of stimuli to ensure that you will want to do anything to not get bored stiff, or fall victim to predators who have enough 'games' in mind for their trapped victims. Jail will reform you into accepting 'dirty' jobs.
Hope. It is the real poison for the mind. You are not supposed to know that it is not hope at all, but only greed. The American Dream? Ha. The American Greed. Destroy your life for the sake of hope. Now, enough talking, the garbage does not collect itself. And smile. Be grateful for being educated, even though you are an untouchable. 'You people smell funny. It is that boki boki food that you eat. Can't you just eat supermarket food like normal people?'
Ambitious? You are about to trip over hidden wires, and find yourself in minefields. You are about to bump your head on glass doors and ceilings. Yes, the doors are locked. Or better put: you are locked out. Your skills and ambitions are irrelevant. Unless you can make other Black people waste their money on junk by the millions, you will have to keep wasting your little pay check. You will hope for promotion, so you will work harder and never smarter. You will relent to scheme for promotion, and find yourself turned into a scapegoat. Yes, prison is a back-up system here too. You get payed the least, and are demanded to spend the most. While you hope, you get scammed out of your pay and into debt.
You will quit? Where are you going to find a better paying job? All companies stick to the scam policy. You are fine where you are in the mail room, at the post office, at BlackDonalds, as a nurse in the hospital. 'You know what? If you work hard, you might get promoted to be manager next year after all.' They will tell you that you need to look less… Black. Start wearing more expensive suits. And start having lunch out, not eat that home made boki boki stuff. You give away your money for hope. You will work for low wages, but you will spend money as if you are getting paid like white Pete. Greed is not hope.
- Black Pete holds the book of names. The book Satan refers to when deciding on pleasure or punishment. Enter Christian slave. Do not get mad at me. Just read any book on slavery, and it should be in there: Christians as the meanest of all brute human traffickers. Claiming God cursed the Black people. Sure, if their God is Satan Claus. Of course, I am aware of the Jewish slave holders as Satan's helpers. But, I do not know any Black person who has become born-again Jewish. Not to confuse the current Jewish with the real descendants of KMT. See, that is why it is better to leave the Jewish out of this for now. It deserves a separate post.
Christians. I do see many Black people who have been forced into Christianity, and learned to like it. But, one cannot be a real Christian while holding on to hatred. Thus Black people with the gift of talking gibberish, will upon pleasing the right people, be allowed to run big or even mega churches. Why? To sell a religion. The religion of 'forgiving' white people for their ongoing sin - from slavery and annihilation to 'just' racism and eugenics - and to take the blame for your lack of rank in the white system. And you pay for that? Tithe they call it, but it is just tax. Did you not already pay tax twice? Now the 'minister' is asking you to pay tax again? For what?! Ask not what Santa God can do for you… Do not get mad at me. Just test your church to see if they have hate in their alleged heart. If your assembly treats you the same after you refuse to pay anymore tax-tithe-tax, then I will await my invitation to rejoice with real Christians. Bona fide bodhicittas.
- Black Pete is Satan's guard, and is trained to kill any Black person or anyone deemed 'Black enough'. Enter soldier slave. I already wrote on this. Seeking any fake power, you think it is a good idea to go intimidate an engineered enemy. Better them than you. You have become an executioner who gets shipped out of the country, and gets paid to kill and then die. Santa does not want you around. The propaganda for you to take another 'tour' will be waiting here if you 'decide' to stay alive and come back. You get paid enough money for your funeral, but if you decide to come back you will find that they will refuse to pay you enough money to deal with your PTSD and chemical poisoning. That was not sand that you were breathing in.
Even the domestic soldiers are not breathing in sand. Only pure hate against their own. Military and police alike. I applaud you for trying to provide for your family, but how do you explain to them that your salary comes from exploiting the engineered weaknesses of our youth? Whom are you protecting while shooting at teenagers? Is it not better to figure out how 'poor' children get guns? I know of no child that would risk his or her life on the streets, if there was real education to get.
And yes, education starts and ends at home. Yes, soldier slave, I know there is no money in it. We all got families to feed. What is left of it. Who has time to educate? Never mind the 'village to raise a child'.
I cut the post 'short', as I need to keep in mind that the editing will take time too. For now, I need to get detached, so I can start the editing later. I have self-imposed deadlines, you know. And I know that worse 'jobs' are still to come.
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