They have come to accept that we do not fight back in the dirty way that classifies
them. They cannot understand that we do not have to. The only fight that we have to engage in, is to get rid of them by isolating them far away from us. All we need to do is be safe, practise individual and group self-defense, and continue on our spiritual path. We got distracted for a few centuries. I suspect that we were getting too arrogant, and dropped the ball. Not to worry, it is nothing but a learning experience. To see how sick our former slaves have gotten when left by themselves to rule their own. They became sick children intent on murdering their parents for some new toys. But, this is not the time to go into that.
This is the time to address that I have noticed that Black people have been disappearing from the Dutch streets. It is as if we are/have been:
1. Collectively hiding. We have finally realized that those white and pale creatures are beyond our help, and we keep our distance. We have finally embraced the concept of segregation, and started to hide from the sick ones. We hide during the daytime because the masked sunlight keeps us from recognizing the ghosts from afar. Masked sunlight? Yes, the chemicals sprayed in the air block sunlight. Watch a video on chemtrails to be able to recognize it. Anyway. Hiding from the sick ones during the day, means that we come out at night. That is not a bad idea, as the ghosts will be hiding from the dark. It is their collective subconscious fear of their own dark spirits, that will keep them away from us at night. We are hiding until we can pack our mules, and ride 'da hell' out of here. To greener pastures. It is not a myth. Find out for yourself.
3. Collectively guided towards ghettos. Even though the white criminals in suits congregating in criminal organizations called banks, walk around without the worry of getting beheaded, areas like the Bijlmer are still seen as a ghetto, as after dark... all is dark.
White Pete has used their big criminal corporations to inflate the costs of 'living', and operates the court system to help evict Black people from the city centers and forcing them to relocate in areas where there is permanent camera surveillance. That is why those white criminals walk around without a care. The white police will be there to protect them. Just sit and watch how the white Pete and pale horses stomp around, ignoring Black people. They just look away, or keep their eyes firmly on the ground. Take head. They show us how to treat them. The white Petes leave the FEMA-like camp - without the barbed wire, instead they threw in some trees and ponds - to go home after a day of intricate criminal work.
We do not mind to be among our own. It is just that some of our own behave very much like white Pete. Unlike white Pete they are misbehaving out in the open. We do not have legalized criminal organizations to hide behind. Even worse, some of our own whiten themselves with bleaching cremes to look very much like white Pete. As the chemtrails protect them from the sun, no Jamaican cover-up is needed.
The pension scam did it! Finally, Black people started to band together and get their families out of this Hell Land. To get the hell out of Dodge. Dodging the Dutch. Let the arabs continue to be their slaves.
5. Collectively gotten ill. We wanted to run, but are brains refused to function. They got to us with their GMO poison and their influenza vaccines. Our brains have been rotting away without us noticing it. They dumbed everyone down, so how could we know the difference between rotting and dumbing? Does dumbing not cause rotting as well? The difference is that dumbing can be cured. White Pete has no desire to allow us care or cure. They have also been very eager to give Black people tetanus shots in their sick hospitals. That has been going on since last century. I need to look into that one some more. Something... No, many things do not seem right about that white babble on tetanus.
In any case, all the poison has caught up with us, and many of us are now in their sick hospitals dying away. It may have been a ploy not to have to kidnap us for our blood, instead to have us volunteer to get committed. Dutch white Pete is a cheap bastard of Setan. They will go well out of their way to con someone into volunteering for abuse so they do not have to pay. Even worse. They get us into their sick wards, and then force us to pay them rent. Ah. Apple, falling, and the tree. The tree of death.
6. Collectively put in prison. They are finally locking up all the Black women too. Not too long ago, I had one white police Pete tell me that he wanted to arrest me. What for? He just wanted to arrest me. Well, keep wanting to then. This white Pete showed me that all of them harbor criminal thoughts. Thank you for the warning, but there is nothing to arrest me for. I leave criminal activities to white Petes and the pale horses. Whenever some white Pete holds her purse tight, I think of the money that her bank is stealing from me. They do not want us to have anything, so rest assured that the holding-the-empty-purse-tight-move is to entice us into crime. They want to arrest us. Hold us down.
Exclusion from regular criminal activities in white Pete congregations called corporations, quite often leads Black people to inclusion in criminal activities that allows Setan's police to scratch an itch. We get to be proper slaves in prison and get fed GMO food. You are 'asked' to donate blood to keep your tele-sick-vision privileges, while prison work will allow you to help sick corporations to keep their costs down and profit high. Yes, in Holland prison work is also big business. Black slavery never ended, it only got converted to conviction.
For now, I will assume that it is all of the above. However, for the sake of our collective well-being, I hope that we have all come to understand that white Pete is to be left to carry his own sickness. Or let the willing arabs help.
I wish my brothers and sisters who got out of Holland well. Hell-land. Well hell. This hollow land is even a hell in writing. Back on track. For my brothers and sister who got out of hell, to keep moving when things do not holly work out. I testify to the fact that there is nothing to come back here for. You cannot come back to save any child left behind. You have to be out there so the child left behind has a place to escape to. Things are rapidly getting worse for Black people who are left to roam around aimlessly. This country only works out for the hollow ones. The ones accustomed to hell. So if you got out, stay out. Do not listen to any white babble. It will be the end of you. So, cast away your doubts, find your footing, and stay away. Embrace your chance to be whole, be well. No hell. Peace.
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