“Our Father in Heaven, Holy be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we also forgave those who sinned against us. Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil”. -- Modern version of the Lord's Prayer -- Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4Who made up this prayer, thinking themselves 'our Father'? Unless we are clear about the fraud, we should not be surprised to find ourselves wasting time on the wrong 'gods'. These human miscreants mean business. To rule this earth as their kingdom. Leaving us to be sanyasis begging them for some daily crumbs. It would not be half as bad if they would give us decent food. But, not only do we get experimented on with Frankenstein food, they actually make us pay for it. Worse, they overcharge us. Frankenfood is the cheapest 'food' they can manufacture,
yet they make us pay for it as if they shipped it in from Nibiru.
So, if these people feed us poison bread, do we then turn the other cheek and die from all kinds of cancer? We all know that they are sinning. Yet, they dare demand from us that we forgive them. Even if that was worth considering, what would we get in exchange? The empty promise that they will forgive us our sin of ignorance. Yet they stand ready to give us more of it. Not forgiveness, but more ignorance. We are to become more ignorant, and beg of evil to deliver us from evil. Why can we not just deliver our selves from them?
That is the right movement. To deliver our selves from evil. Yes, we can. We can wake up, and understand that the people who decide our 'bread' for us, stood far away from us. They let their white and pale horses deal with us in exchange for as much Frankenfood as they want. We do not need those horses to teach us right from wrong, as they have no use for right. They are on the left-hand path. They force us to confess their sins as they heap ever more sickness on us. Their projection cannot deliver them from sin. They know better than to expect deliverance, for they are sin.
What use do I have for 'the Lord's Prayer'? I use it to teach how this world-caste-society, has Black people fooled. We actually think that the whole verse pertains to us. No, such thing. Their whole sick pyramid is contained in that verse. If they are the godly 'Father' on top then we must be their ignorant 'children' at the bottom. Even if only in their sick mind. Yet, as we dutifully repeat this sick prayer, we transfer all our power to them. And by our own words we make them into the abusive Father we can do without. We wait to be rescued, as we forgive the evil ones, and ask them to deliver us from... them. See how that never ever is going to work out for us?
Once you have learned how to protect your physical body from the sin of eating poison food, I would recommend progressing to protecting the physical body from toxic touching. But, in these times, that would be asking for too much too soon. Many of us do not even understand the concept of a toxic touch. We crave to be touched, so who cares about naming it? We just claim the touching, never understanding how we lose power because of it. It will take more time and patience to teach the difference between a loving touch, a healing touch, and the rest. It takes more time because the attacks on our minds prohibit a quick understanding.
As the prayer shows, we are attacked through our own minds and our own words. There is not a thing that they produce that is not about enslaving - and killing - the mind. They show you all kinds of sick touching in their media, so we accept it and are no longer thinking about the spread of evil through touch. We watched that Denzel movie because Denzel looked so fine, instead of understanding how easy it is for evil to travel by touch. Maybe watching children 'play tag' will help understand how important it is to avoid getting touched by strangers all the time. Still want to shake hands with evil?
To take ownership of your self, you have to take care of your body and mind. It is war. A silent war, because we have already been whipped and broken into submission. They have us scared to lay a hand on white Pete. So their women now mouth us off in public. "Black women have nice bodies. But I do not like the face." It is a power move. And they fully expect us to take the insult. They know that Black women are not protected by their men. They know as they are bedding as many of our men as they can. Beating them up will not inject any sense into their sick brains. We are beyond that point. To understand this phase of the war, you need the mindset of a new generation warrior. And no warrior indulges in poison. Toxic food, toxic media, toxic music, toxic people, toxic society. It is seen for what it is, and avoided as much as possible. It is like 'playing tag' for real.
Those who have managed to protect the body from sinful food, will find it easier to protect the body from sinful touch, because there is already more room to be vigilant enough to do so. Also, there has already been a practice of turning the desire for poison into a desire for health and wholeness. It will be clear that it takes a lot of effort to combat a society that pushes us to eat (and do) all the wrong things for us - to swim against the tide. It will take some time and effort before we figure out that we do not have to swim in their tide at all. But we let people pull (touch) us back time and time again. Just recognize the power to stop it. No more touchy touchy.
To get that idea of getting out of the tide, we have to be aware of being in the tide. We are smack in the middle of this toxic society, because it got built on our backs. We are 'most valuable players' as slaves and slave managers. And this slave model is the basis of this sick society still. Just look at Wal-Mart. How many more billions do they need before they start paying decent wages? Their business model comes straight from physical Black slavery days. The plantations have changed into white silos with lanes of useless junk, bright lights, and cash registers. But, they still expect their wage slaves to smile even though they cannot make the ends of the months meet financially.
I stopped reading the book, because I picked up on how the evil ones expect to be forgiven for their ongoing sin. Their business plan is still in play. Everywhere I look, I see slaves toiling away. The white Petes are happy with it as long as they do better than the brown and Black slaves. Nothing pleases white Pete more than to ask a Black woman where the toilet is. Innocent question? Right. They absolutely expect to get away with their racism. Go on ahead and just forgive them. Or claim back your power and never again let their white babble touch your mind.
As Black People we have been caught up in their tide. The tide of a specific race called white supremacy. But, that supremacy could not be white without the help of the pale horses. The white and pale horses may not like each other, but they need each other to be able to stay on top. As Black people we should be able to form a similar coalition. Brown Black may not like Black Black, but if we do not work together, we are never going to come out on top. I do not have to forgive brown Black for deeming Black Black ugly just like white Pete, but I do need to understand that without their back-up, their will be no race.
We need to be clear on the race, or we can forget about it being a race. We will be floating along with the wrong people deciding on the tide. They have made themselves out to be human gods, but those demons can never rise to the eye of the African. It is about time that we rise to meet our selves.
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