The new generation of arab Morrocons, have the white Pete disease down to an art. It is not that they use the same white babble - as until recently few of them have been allowed into universities. No, it is the whitening of their skin and features,
accomplished in only two generations, and the art of sucking up to white Pete in a way that seems harmless to the untrained mind. There is nothing harmless about it. Their willingness to do whatever they need to do to get to Setan's money, has been lifted to a level where they cannot help but to embrace the sickness of white Pete. No matter that they complain among themselves that white Pete has bad breath. (Yes, I heard you gossip behind that counter. You did not think that the 'monkey' would understand, or have an avenue to put you on blast. Maybe now supermarket Albert Heyn will start hiring Black children as wage-slaves again.)
These whitened slaves think that they can fool white Pete into liking them enough to let them in. Just like the other arabs called jhws managed to. Poor deluded arab entities. As long as they hold on to that pale horse Quran, the other pale horses remain in the lead. Unless they start reading translations of the Torah and the other testaments, they cannot recognize that their book has been written by the same Vatican 'monks'. How did they do that? Sure, I will take a question. The mind of the arab is not that complex. Promise them Palestine, and they will buy into it. Take away Palestine, and they will fight. Which is also buying into it. Throw a stone, and the Zionist will order Obama to send a drone to kill some ignorant arabs. The arab elite sold out a long time ago. Enjoying riches next to their jhw cousins. They like their bent position in front of the enemy. The ignorant arabs will have to save their stones for their own women. Too harsh? How can a 'monkey' be too harsh? Arabs are joining the pale horses by looking as white as possible. More Kryptonite for us.
Do I hate arabs? Well hell no. Anyone of them brave enough to step to me, I can beat down without having to get angry. So, what use is left for any hate? That would be a waste of energy. Let them waste theirs. They readily show that they hate me. Ignoring me like the white Petes do. How is sitting behind a register in a supermarket a position of power? Ah. To keep the Black girls out, so they cannot earn any money in a half-decent way. The arab girls are Kryptonite employed by white Pete to exclude Black people even from meaningless jobs in supermarkets. This has been going on for a while at all the companies in this Hell Land. Companies getting rid of their Black employees. Only allowing them back in lower level jobs through temp agencies. No other employment contracts to begotten, unless you got the seal of ownership from a white Pete or pale horse. These arab girls know it, but Black people still allow them in our midst as if there is anything to bond over. To the arab white is right, but arab is even better.
They will not find me bowing down to an arab. I used to have many arab supposed friends. So, I am well accustomed to the way they pretend and manipulate to get their way. They have organizations were they discuss their game plan among themselves. I have had a chance to go to a closed arab student meeting once, and was surprised by there level of organization and... focus. They kept things light to not reveal any important information to the intruder. That would be me. So, I cannot relay what they discuss when they really get down to business. It shows me no to give them any inside information either. The shipping of arabs into the United Snakes has not been a coincidence, the shipping of arabs into the European Prison has not been a coincidence either. The pale horses called in back-up to be able to keep us at the bottom of the sick pyramid.
We are being phased out worse than ever before. Arabs are now claiming our spot of victimhood, and we stand by and let them. I am still trying to digest how the US goverment hid behind Katrina and blew the levees up. Killing thousands. Katrina did not kill them, the government did. Some were cut a check and left to figure it out. Why did they not cut that check before they planned to blow the levees? Instead of getting answers, I am to get distracted by arabs. I am to forget all that white Pete did and still does to us, and allow the arabs to claim victimhood in our place. Why should I? I do not condone the violence against arabs. But, it is their own people who sold them out. And, I see with my own two eyes how they have been awarded a better standing in white society than Black people. We cannot get involved in their tribal warfare, except to emphasize our own status. Still at the bottom of the mess they call society.
The arab girls no longer veil themselves, and behold all the mess that bubbles out. White supremacy. And then arab arrogance sprinkled on top. That may be why I did not care for the 'beheading' show in London. We have seen better false flags to get impressed by this one. The two guys were not Arabs. They were Black men, and that is how they were portrayed. Converted - brainwashed in - to Islam. No one is asking what need a Nigerian has to convert to a London version of Vatican Islam. If he had delivered his rehearsed message in Arab, then maybe I would have paid more attention. So, I could start telling Black people how easy it is to learn Arab. "Our women and children, in our countries"?! That sounds like arab rhetoric. Why did he not speak arab if he cared that much about their countries? Aleikum A Salaam. I better stop while I am ahead. Yikes. A head. I better give them back their jinns. Arab noise begone.
One more thing. A sister of one of the two, was portrayed as laughing insanely. They called this Black woman deranged. I guess that is as close as they dared to get to 'monkey'. Did anyone bother to look at the car window, to see the white police woman broadly flashing a fake smile at her? Bias blinds. What car window? Look again. One glance and I knew that the sister was not a follower of Islam. Her long weave told me so. I have seen enough to bow out. Yawn. I thought InterPol and MI6 or 007, were supposed to be on top of their game. Or have we been dumbed down enough for them not to have to bother much? We will not get to see psychopath Bond solve this pathetic case. I have seen more panic when kids in London got stabbed, then in this 'terrorist attack'. A terror attack on my intelligence. I will see about some of the true story when people have gone back to sleep. Were they ever awake? Most of the bystanders did not even blink an eye. Clearly, the image of dangerous Black men will remain in the forefront of their sheep-brain. Dangerous 'monkeys'. Enough of this nonsense.
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