interest in the minds and bodies of Black people.
Thus the ugly truth is that the people that call themselves JHW, do not form the top of the sick pyramid. They may be the sons of Setan, and have learned how to mimic Set well enough to fool the fools, but that does not make them Setan. This is why I do not join in the cry to eliminate JHWs. Setan has already been training other horses. That is why the pale horses try their best to show that they are the best horses for the job. Besides, if these JHWs were really from Egypt, then I would be calling for the extermination of more Black people. I would then be joining their eugenical feasting. No deal. I am still in favor of a separate island. Away with these sickly pale ones who want to be the new Black, and reduce the old Black to the slavs that they were (and in the line of duty for Setan still are).
Reversal of roles. JHW versus KMT. Cut and slice through the nonsense. These JHWs have to steal and fake religion, because they are completely disconnected from their soul. That is why they have no problem following Setan. Who is Setan? Santa, Satan, Set. Take your pick. You can choose the JHW-story, the Greek story, or KMT-story. His-story, a-story, or our-story. And that brings me to my subject for today. Yes, I am long-winded. "Ain't that my right?"
Communication. Commune unication. Individuals confer messages to each other that are to benefit the community, and the unity of that commune. Compare this ideal to how we are taught to communicate in white schools. As part of a group of people assigned to the bottom of the pyramid, Black people have been put down to remain as invisible as possible, and to learn to communicate in a way that benefits the white community at the detriment of the unity of any Black commune. Or, any other wordplay that shows that communications taught to Black people, are to benefit Setan by the quick and easy bondage of Black people through their own words. From negus to negro. (Oh, the triple irony of Black people eating Snickers.)
It is important to learn how other people communicate, but that cannot be more important than knowing how we as Black people communicate. To see for ourselves whether our own communication leads to freedom or further bondage. In any case, we need to learn how to communicate more on a sound spiritual level, as the pale horses have utmost difficulty doing so. But, it takes practice on the material plane - this life - to get it right. Santa knows as much, and allowed his pale horses to fabricate 'suitable' religions for us to get distracted by. Church is entertainment under punishment of eternal damnation. A bit redundant for the supposedly cursed children of Ham. Ham? We have been con-damned to eating pork chops? Whatever. Back to decoding the white babble with another side-track.
We have our work cut out for us if we never again want to be fooled by Setan and his pale horses. Those pale horses are experts at cutting up Nature. They destroy some of the pieces, and the left-over pieces they put together haphazardly. They see beauty in destruction, because they think of it as their 'creation'. Their narcissism does not allow for them to think of themselves as anything but gods. They do not see themselves as sons of Setan - nor Ham. Nope, they equate themselves with their bosses who are not gods either. They managed to get close, but still remain far from it. Back to the main side-track.
We do not have to re-invent the wheel. All we need to do is to remember how we invented it first. This is where I get back to the piece of the puzzle called communication. I am not yet addressing the communication technologies that they use against Black and white people alike, but which effect and affect Black people the most. Before that can make any sense to the confused precious ones, it has to be pointed out why communication distortion is so important to the sickly jealous ones.
They have split up 'communication' in their explanation not so they can clarify the elements of it to you, but so you will think that their communication will consist of all those elements. We all know how they can smile at a Black person, while they think of Black people as the 'ugly' people that they are themselves. The latter is called projection. They use non-verbal communication to conceal what they are really thinking. They have learned to smile where authenticity should have them frown. But, they can do even better than that. They are not accused of being liars, thieves and rapists, for nothing. And, they know of themselves that they are scum. It is no use pointing at them accusing them of dirt. They know. If they get angry, it is because someone whom they think of as a lowly slave, has had the nerve(s) to call them out on their lies, thievery and (mind) rape.
They are trained to send non-verbal signals that conflict with their verbal messages. While you listen to what they say, they are sending their partners in crimes against humanity, signals on how to disregard that verbal message. They already know to discard the verbal message, as they have had the same training. The signaling is done to affirm that the message is to be disregarded. A 'friendly' gesture to their own. But, other people listening to the verbal communication and clueless about their training and the non-verbal signals, will be inclined to believe their sincere lies. Anyone outside of the chosen group who does not want to believe a word they utter, gets ridiculed, shamed or blamed.
These 'leaders' have been prepared for it ever since they were little children. That is why they point at Black children who do not yet have enough of a split mind, and call them 'behind' or 'backwards'. Only those who can effectively speak with more than two mouths and fool many different groups of people at one time, is considered to be of high 'IQ' without ever having to take a test. Their minds have been brutally split when they were children, so they can easily utter the nonsense that their bosses want them to get us to accept as 'truth'. They inform their bosses that everything is on track. They inform their own to disregard the message and that things are under control. They misinform the masses whom are to believe the white babble.
It may be needless to point out that to think that these sick people want to encourage a two-way communication system is a thinking mistake. I do so anyway. They are not interested in our opinions, as they have already 'communicated' to us the opinions that they want us to have. White supremacy. We are to do as told by their triple talk, and 'communicate' back to them that we take to the indoctrination. That is the only commune that they will allow to unicate.
Enough communication from me. For now. Anything that has not been clearly communicated in this article I blame on the JHW. Anything that has been clearly communicated in this article I dedicate to KMT. Any questions on your homework?
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