Their aids who were no longer of use, were killed or otherwise sacrificed. Amazingly, even those put on public display remained loyal to their sick bosses. Or were they operating on a 'need to know' basis, and they did
not know how to get from Nazi to Zian to Zion? They must have known that some would be sacrificed to be able to claim their victimhood forever. They must have considered it to be an honor to be chosen as the sacrificial lambs. And the money and status that their families would get for their role of utter importance is not to be forgotten.
SS Lieutenant-Generalsd Oswald Pohl and 17 other officials of the WVHA (the Economic and Administrative Office of the SS) were charged with crimes relating to the construction and administration of the thousands of concentration camps in Germany and the occupied countries. The WVHA also profited from the mines, quarries and brick factories in which the prisoners were forced to work. Pohl and three other defendants were sentenced to death by hanging.In summing up the case the tribunal concluded:
"[These] defendants today are only mildly conscious of any guilt in the kidnapping and enslavement of millions of civilians. The concept that slavery is criminal per se does not enter into their thinking. Their attitude may be summarized thus: 'We fed and clothed and housed those prisoners as best we could. […] What is wrong with that?'
Slavery may exist even without torture. Slaves may be well fed and well clothed and comfortably housed, but they are still slaves if without lawful process they are deprived of their freedom by forceful restraint. We might eliminate all proof of ill treatment, overlook the starvation and beatings and other barbarous acts, but the admitted fact of slavery would still remain. There is no such thing as benevolent slavery. Involuntary servitude, even if tempered by humane treatment, is still slavery." -- Source: Records Neuremberg Trial
They did not sacrifice their own to allow that to happen. The 'allies' were not in alliance with Black people. Not those in their own armies, their own 'overseas territories', nor in the German colonies. They took the colonies away from Germany - which would be enough of a compensation for the meticulously pre-planned war crimes on the pale horses - and continued with their colonial rule. There was no freeing of enslaved Africans and African Americans. Involuntary servitude was deemed good enough for the ones they enslaved. And is deemed good enough for us now. The war was about us all along.
One cannot understand the present and future times, without understanding the past times. Whatever I think I know now, is nothing compared to what I will know by next year. However, what I will know next year depends on what I am willing to learn now. And to know that what I will know next year is still nothing compared to what there is to know, makes me willing to put in the effort to learn more now. Not studying aliens from the Pleiades, but the people who want us to get distracted by that. The aliens in the movies are... people! Black people reach enlightenment through the understanding of our own gods and the philosophy based on that. Setan took the effort to send his white and pale horses out to study on it, and that is how we remain enslaved. Caged in by our own unwillingness to understand ourselves first, and them second.
They even make fun of us in plain sight. A long time ago, I saw a Star Trek episode that dealt with invisible aliens conducting experiments on the Voyager crew. They were falling ill, but could not understand the cause. Only a few changes are needed to understand the message. Change the crew into Black people, and the aliens into white people. Take their invisibility as their cloak of lies and our own ignorance. And take the experiments conducted as real. One, two, three. Tadaaah. White and pale people alike are the aliens. And they show us that they think that they are way ahead of us.
That is as far as that episode can help me. I cannot stand being ignorant, but I will have to accept that I still am. No need for other people to point at me. What do they think they know? Instead of wasting time pointing at me, share the wealth. How are we going to get rid of these aliens experimenting on - and with - us? I have been reading Worse Than Slavery by Oshinsky, for quite a while now to understand how they converted slavery into... worse slavery. But, something about the book does not sit well with me. The cold way in which the horror is described. Also, the nonsense from the Eddie Murphy movie Life might be blocking my speed. There were no fun times at Parchman. Booker T. Washington may have been able to play a guitar, but that does not make one forget the concentration camp surroundings. Well, more on Parchman when I finish the book next year. Or just check out my 'Library'.
Let me see if I covered all that I wanted to for today. White Pete. Check. Pale horses. Check. Psychopaths. Well, is that not what they are? So, check. For Black people to wake up and no longer participate in their psychopathic walhalla. Well hell, check but to be checked further. Fake victims. Check. I am out of here. Peace.
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