Today throughout the five continents of the globe it is Europe and most sections of America that are renowned for law and order, government and commerce, art and industry, science, philosophy and education. Yet in ancient times these were the most savage of the world’s peoples, the most ignorant and brutish. They were even stigmatized as barbarians—that is, utterly rude and uncivilized.
Further, from the fifth century after Christ until the fifteenth, that period defined as the Middle Ages, such terrible struggles and fierceThere are at least two sides to every story. In Holland they keep a Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) program running. The self-chosen sick ones have a powerful base in the Netherlands. But then, where not? They have enslaved the world, so they could liberate themselves. What or whom they cannot enslave, they destroy.
upheavals, such ruthless encounters and horrifying acts, were the rule among the peoples of Europe, that the Europeans rightly describe those ten centuries as the Dark Ages. -- The Secret of Divine Civilization
If they have white Petes to do their bidding, then What Do They Need Black Pete For? They have reserved a special place at the bottom of their stolen and perverted pyramid, for Black people. To make sure that the mindless zombies who run Setan's business and the ignorant puppets who buy into that business, can focus their despair on others, in the form of hatred and ridicule. Even more so, the yearly program is meant to indoctrinate the next generations of robots, who will become even better soldiers for Setan to use and abuse.
For a long time, no matter where they tried to set up 'business', most of them got chased away or killed. Some manage to infiltrate or assimilate, which would come in handy many generations later. But, most of the orphaned ones wanted to play by their own rules, and kept looking for ways and places. It is only when they finally took to some civilization, and re-discovered the world, that they finally were able to set a master plan in motion. When they found fortune and free reign in America, they could finally execute the plan. Pay back.
Fast forward several centuries. The sick ones have invested heavily in the enslavement of Africans. The enslavement of other peoples seemed like a by-product, but was also very well aimed. They see enemies everywhere. But, it is the enslavement of Africans that allowed them their fortune. As former slaves themselves, they figured out that the key to enslavement of the body is the mind. Traumatize the enslaved ones into an animal state of mind, and then use their animal power to work themselves into an even lower realm. 'Business' was paying off for a lot of them, but the clueless ones in their midst had become a burden. Not savage, cruel nor business-minded enough. Unworthy of Set.
Surely, I have already ventured well into the other side of the coin. The sick ones keep enslaving the world through the ultimate scam of victimhood. They got some low life not worthy to be one of them, trained. After gaining intelligence, he was put into a powerful position. They wrote a book for him to show him off as intelligent. But, all he could really do was memorize, and then be prompted to give long windy speeches from memory. Good enough to be in charge of creating victimhood. He was not the anti-christ, he did not need to be. He was to be a good horse and help his Setan to enslave and slaughter the world further, while he pretended to want to rid the world of the sons of Set. All the while it was known that he was one of those sons of... the Jackal. Dog. Bitches. The sons of Set are quite feminine. Homosexuality is a prerequisite.
No need for anger. All that is needed is to point out that the yearly travesty of those who got killed by their own, is underway. They insist on yearly commemoration, yet who is going to commemorate all the slaves that they maimed and killed? Or pay the descendents that are still in mind and wage slavery? The physical slaves that they still keep? And there is more to it. Soldiers are trained to be combat slaves. They have no power of their own. Who is going to commemorate the millions upon millions of slaughtered soldiers that fought a war that still benefits only those self-chosen few? They were but pawns in a game of those who ruled both sides of the chessboard from behind the curtain.
A brave fake new world. Why not investigate why over 20 million people had to die to ensure the victimhood of the perpetrators? Or have they managed to turn everyone into mindless robots by using the same propaganda techniques of their over-the-top dramatic robot? Did he not borrow their words when it came to their plan to annihilate the Germans? Both sides using the same words? Well, does that not show that there was only one side? Do not bother to answer. Remain quiet, thinking that you are safe. But, while you are all quiet, just think of how they sacrificed their own. Sure, they promised their own money and safety for the offspring that would make it. Even so, who could have imagined some of the sickness? Plenty of peoples. Africans. American Indians. American Africans. Indians. Russians. Slavs. I would not even be surprised if they were responsible for the sinking of Atlantis.
No need to get angry with me. I sympathize with the people who thought themselves protected, but got sacrificed by their own. That is all, no more than that. Certainly, no two minutes of silence. That would be disrespectful to the real victims. Those who never got compensated for their enslavement by these sick ones. Even though our names are in the records, we get ridiculed when we demand compensation for the ongoing crimes committed against us. We never got compensated for work done in enslavement, or riches stolen from us. The sick ones get richly compensated without having to answer why they were imprisoned, or where their riches came from. All of a sudden, they were all incapable of ever having committed a crime. Sent to a camp for murdering his wife? Just blame it on the Germans. Lost your plantation in the Americas in a gambling game? Just blame it on the Germans. Tattoo a random number on your forearm and get paid. Too much? Not for them. It is 'just business' to them.
Imagine the offspring of murderers getting compensated for the rest of their generations, whereas descendents of murdered Africans are demanded to compensate them! No need to imagine, it is exactly what is happening. They imagined it, and they got it. Now the self-chosen ones look down their long plastic noses at me. Whatever they cry about at their victimhood meetings, they deem good enough for me. Those 'victims' will not hesitate to show their desire to be perpetrators, if I get close enough. Two years ago, I did make the mistake to be among them. At 8 pm I got confronted with a mandatory two-minute-silence. By the same people who dare to tell me to 'get over' Black slavery! 'It was so long ago. Just get over it!' But, look at them when they get their yearly chance to play victim. Why do they not get over it? It must be good business. If not, they will just inflate the number to 8 million.
So I have to politely decline from mandatory silence. I do not have two minutes to spare to show respect to the perpetrators. They will always see themselves as victims, and they are allowed to. They cannot help it, they have been taught to hate everyone else. But, they cannot force me to buy into it. I see their immense self-hatred as they morph into anyone they deem as a valuable horse. Right now they whiten themselves to look like the faces of their pale horses, while they still envy the bodies of their enslaved Africans. More on that another time.
And on the other side: the yearly mandatory celebration of victimhood through National Commemoration Day, on May... 5th. Fair enough, it starts on the May 4th. The white story is that some received the news of liberation one day later, hence the confusion. Nice propaganda. Even better plan.
The magician knows that there is no such thing as a 'coincidence'. -- NBP
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