As I have been ignorant about Keti Koti month, I was not set to write an article
about it for today. I am interested, but I just do not keep up with any news. Clearly, I am not part of the current Dutch movement. Besides, I shy away from reading and writing in Dutch. I am very capable of ranting in Dutch, but somehow the Dutch takes the healing part out of the ranting. To rant in Dutch is to remain angry, and ranting. About the same nonsense over and over again. I do not have the time to remain stuck. Death waits for no one. On the brighter side of life, I may soon start to read nonsensical Dutch texts again. See how I can stop the Dutch government from stealing ever more money from me. Me, the descendent of enslaved Africans and African Americans, still waiting for reparations. Waiting seems futile. I cannot even get compensated for harm they have done to me personally.
Bathing in ignorance, my plan was to post the article on the disappearance of Black people in Hell Land. (Hell Land=Holland) And indeed, I heard two young women talking about travelling and visiting people abroad. Never mind. It will make sense when I post the article. It will also show that it would have been a good enough introduction to Keti Koti month, because of the low number of Black people that joined in for the opening of the commemoration today. There were enough people willing to partake to call it a succesful opening of Keti Koti, but I have seen more people just hang about in the ghetto called the Bijlmer, just the other day. Round those people up, and then we got something. Against their white supremacist will? More like keti keti (chains) instead of Keti Koti. Well hell, just pay people to show up then. Anyone showing up in traditional wear gets a coupon. For GMO Kentucky Fried 'what da hell happened to the' Chicken.
Sigh. I was just writing this post to announce that I was not going to write about Keti Koti, beyond sharing that I have relented, and given the assignment to Dutchess. Because of this "handled with care" nonsense. I have already seen the introduction that she has written. She actually thinks that she has handled the introduction with more care than I could. Hmm. Maybe so. It is of no matter. I will leave Keti Koti to her, unless I have cause to have my say anyway. I gave her my notes, but if she does not step up to the plate properly, I will! I just know she is not going to mention the American Indian chief getting angry at us disobedient Black descendents of African and African American slaves. We allow for an angry whitened American Indian, but I am accused of not being able to handle Keti Koti with care? I would suck my teeth, if it was not so disrespectful.
This in promptu post ends here. Dutchess has the assignment to deal with Keti Koti month at Dutch Guyana. I mind my business over here at No Black Pete. It is not as if I am getting paid to write on Keti Koti anyway. Ha, neither is Dutchess. 'Who be the fool?' It is no longer of my concern. I will post the rest of the article on Black people disappearing next. Any questions? Save them for Dutchess. "Hey Dutchess, are Brazil and Venezuela part of Caricom?" "Hey Dutchess, why are you not following my blog?!"
[Anyone feeling hurt over anything I wrote in this article can complain over at Dutchess. The stress of dealing with ignorant comments may kill me, as I am supposed to take it easy, you know. Just know that I do not represent anyone but myself. Not even those who agree with me.]
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