by No Black Pete (2013)
As an introduction to the lecture "Letting go of white Pete, to embrace your Self", I would like us to venture into "Understanding white Pete as much as we can".
White Pete will never be able to understand how it is to be fully human. Only a few of them want to know, and even fewer make an effort to overcome their genetic deficiency and heal. I do not know even one white Pete that has healed. I know many who fool themselves to believe that they are holy. Most of them keep busy pointing at the humanity of Black people. They cannot appreciate what they do not recognize. So they ridicule and brutalize, hoping that it will cause Black people to act as deficient as possible - which is what they would call "normal". Indeed, their norm-for-all is deficiency. Also known as insanity or imbecilism (dumbing down).
Still embracing white Pete? Even though this is not an attack on white Pete
, I need to be clear on the fact that I do not care how they behave among themselves. I do get angry at the fact that they will attack like the sick pack of dogs that they are, and have started to never stop the killing of Black minds that they perceive as a threat to their inferior minority existence. They know that they are killing their Black Mothers and Fathers, but they do not care. They survived their Ice Age without us, and they have fooled themselves into thinking that they can do so again.
How will they rule the earth when they forget how to talk again? Not that their white babble needs to be taken seriously now. They do not listen to themselves talk, or they would immediately stop. Instead of listening to themselves, they are too busy getting their prey to do as they direct. It is all about control, and they will use whatever means available. Being out of control, they continue to 'come, see, conquer, and destroy' without a care in the world. Unless we stop them, the regression towards the new Neanderthals will be upon them before they know it. No Ice Age needed. Before things get that bleak for them, let us look at where they are now.
There is no need for me to put in a lot of effort to come up with all kinds of scientific lies from their white let-us-make-some-stuff-up-and-call-it-science books. White Pete congregates in secret. They talk about their insanity in support groups. Indeed, they are supporting each other in their sickness. Insane people helping each other to mask the insanity. It is their Setan-given right, but it spells problems for the rest of us. They are not recovering their humanity, they are creating more inhumanity by bonding in their insanity in those groups.
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence
By Co-Dependents Anonymous
By Co-Dependents Anonymous
These patterns and characteristics are offered as a tool to aid in self-evaluation.
Denial Patterns:
I have difficulty identifying what I am feeling.
I minimize, alter, or deny how I truly feel.
I perceive myself as completely unselfish and dedicated to the well-being of others.
I lack empathy for the feelings and needs of others.
I label others with my negative traits.
I cannot take care of myself without any help from others.
I mask my [lack of empathy] in various ways such as anger, humor, or isolation.
I express negativity or aggression in indirect and passive ways.
I do not recognize the unavailability of those people whom I [want to possess].
I have difficulty identifying what I am feeling.
I minimize, alter, or deny how I truly feel.
I perceive myself as completely unselfish and dedicated to the well-being of others.
I lack empathy for the feelings and needs of others.
I label others with my negative traits.
I cannot take care of myself without any help from others.
I mask my [lack of empathy] in various ways such as anger, humor, or isolation.
I express negativity or aggression in indirect and passive ways.
I do not recognize the unavailability of those people whom I [want to possess].
Low Self Esteem Patterns:
I have difficulty making decisions.
I judge what I think, say, or do harshly, as never good enough.
I am embarrassed to receive recognition, praise, or gifts.
I value others’ approval of my thinking, feelings, and behavior over my own.
I do not perceive myself as a lovable or worthwhile person.
I constantly seek recognition that I think I deserve.
I have difficulty admitting that I made a mistake.
I need to appear to be right in the eyes of others and will lie to look good.
I am unable to ask others to meet my needs or desires.
I perceive myself as superior to others.
I look to others to provide my sense of safety.
I have difficulty getting started, meeting deadlines, and completing projects.
I have trouble setting healthy priorities.
I judge what I think, say, or do harshly, as never good enough.
I am embarrassed to receive recognition, praise, or gifts.
I value others’ approval of my thinking, feelings, and behavior over my own.
I do not perceive myself as a lovable or worthwhile person.
I constantly seek recognition that I think I deserve.
I have difficulty admitting that I made a mistake.
I need to appear to be right in the eyes of others and will lie to look good.
I am unable to ask others to meet my needs or desires.
I perceive myself as superior to others.
I look to others to provide my sense of safety.
I have difficulty getting started, meeting deadlines, and completing projects.
I have trouble setting healthy priorities.
Compliance Patterns:I am extremely [sick], remaining in harmful situations too long.
I compromise [myself] to avoid rejection or anger.
I put aside [myself] in order to do what others want.
I am hypervigilant [for fear of getting punished] and [will act as if I am not afraid].
I am afraid to express my beliefs, opinions, and feelings when they differ from those of others.
I accept [sex] when I want love.
I make decisions without regard to the consequences.
I give up my [self] to gain the approval of others or to avoid change.
I compromise [myself] to avoid rejection or anger.
I put aside [myself] in order to do what others want.
I am hypervigilant [for fear of getting punished] and [will act as if I am not afraid].
I am afraid to express my beliefs, opinions, and feelings when they differ from those of others.
I accept [sex] when I want love.
I make decisions without regard to the consequences.
I give up my [self] to gain the approval of others or to avoid change.
Control Patterns:I believe most people are incapable of taking care of themselves.
I attempt to convince others what to think, do, or feel.
I freely offer advice and direction to others without being asked.
I become resentful when others decline my help or reject my advice.
I lavish gifts and favors on those I want to influence.
I use [sex] to gain approval and acceptance.
I have to be needed in order to have a relationship with others.
I demand that my needs be met by others.
I use charm and charisma to convince others of my capacity to be caring and compassionate.
I use blame and shame to emotionally exploit others.
I refuse to cooperate, compromise, or negotiate.
I adopt an attitude of indifference, helplessness, authority, or rage to manipulate outcomes.
I use terms of recovery in an attempt to control the behavior of others.
I pretend to agree with others to get what I want.
I attempt to convince others what to think, do, or feel.
I freely offer advice and direction to others without being asked.
I become resentful when others decline my help or reject my advice.
I lavish gifts and favors on those I want to influence.
I use [sex] to gain approval and acceptance.
I have to be needed in order to have a relationship with others.
I demand that my needs be met by others.
I use charm and charisma to convince others of my capacity to be caring and compassionate.
I use blame and shame to emotionally exploit others.
I refuse to cooperate, compromise, or negotiate.
I adopt an attitude of indifference, helplessness, authority, or rage to manipulate outcomes.
I use terms of recovery in an attempt to control the behavior of others.
I pretend to agree with others to get what I want.
Avoidance Patterns:I act in ways that invite others to reject, shame, or express anger toward me [so I can blame them for it].I judge harshly what others think, say, or do [so I can hide behind the criticism instead of taking responsibility for my life].
I avoid emotional, physical, or sexual intimacy as a means of maintaining distance.
I allow my addictions to people, places, and things to distract me from achieving intimacy in relationships.
I use indirect and evasive communication to avoid [direct] conflict or confrontation.
I suppress my feelings or needs to avoid feeling vulnerable.
I pull people toward me, but when they get close, I push them away.
I refuse to give up my [ego] to avoid surrendering to a power that is greater than myself.
I believe displays of emotion are a sign of weakness.
I withhold [sincere] expressions of appreciation.
I avoid emotional, physical, or sexual intimacy as a means of maintaining distance.
I allow my addictions to people, places, and things to distract me from achieving intimacy in relationships.
I use indirect and evasive communication to avoid [direct] conflict or confrontation.
I suppress my feelings or needs to avoid feeling vulnerable.
I pull people toward me, but when they get close, I push them away.
I refuse to give up my [ego] to avoid surrendering to a power that is greater than myself.
I believe displays of emotion are a sign of weakness.
I withhold [sincere] expressions of appreciation.
Do not get mad at me. I did not make up this list. I have changed only a few words of the white babble that made no sense to anyone, not even white Pete. Still, do not take my word for it. While you keep embracing your white Pete, simply do like I did, and DDG - or any other search engine - "Coda+Patterns". These Coda people will have a lot of information on their websites that will provide you with enough material for conversations for years to come. However, a word to the wise. Do not just use this list to point at them. Three fingers will be pointing back. Meaning? As long as we are not free from this sick white society, we have to keep checking our own minds to get rid of any overt or covert insanity.
The list provides us with an opportunity to name some of the weird behaviors we found ourselves enacting. We may not have known what it was or how to change it, but we can know it now. This is not the only list out there. And this is certainly not a full list. But, in order not to overload our whitened minds, this list is as good as any to start recognizing our own sick behaviors and the insanity of those we allow into our lives. Keep in mind that white Pete will not call himself dependent. Because of the white supremacy state of mind, they can only call themselves co-dependent. Control-dependent. Controlling the dependent slaves. Crying about not being able to fully control those they want enslaved. I might as well spell it out, so we can save daylight and move on.
To be able to recognize them and to know yourself, will allow you to take a very powerful stance. That powerful stance does not happen overnight. It takes practice. Every time you engage with sick people, you will recognize more and more insanity in them and yourself. It is important to know that we are not like them. We can change and grow into being fully human. Every single one of us. If your skin is Black you can stop acting whack. It takes focus, dedication, determination. And action. Back to white Pete. What can they change into? All they can do is put a lid on their insanity, try to help other people out of their insanity, and then hope to reincarnate into a human being with the potential to be fully human. White tries to destroy Black, while they need Black to be able to reincarnate out of their sick state.
How about that? Black people are their only way out of this Hell Land. Destroy Black people and there will be no way out. No matter how much they pretend to like this hell, they all want out of it. If it was not for Black people suffering under the weight of their insanity and also losing their way out, the joke would be on the "creepy cracka". But, they played their game in a way that will cause all of us to perish, if they do not get their way. Indeed, leave white people in charge and we die no matter what they decide. They cannot help it. That leaves us to either help them, or help ourselves. What is it going to be this time around?
(c) Black Anon, 2013
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