Without my notes, it is more difficult to put together articles. I was going to write on banking for one site, and on using temporary work agencies to get employment on NBP. Among many many other things.
I now have to decide on whether to start over, or to pursue getting my notebook back intact. Also, all those that I have contacted in the last three weeks: clearly, I no longer have your information. When you see me, do not hesitate to provide me with your information afresh. However, if you were just into empty babble, then miss me.
What does that have to do with Hued Flower? As I read Flower's article, the lectures that I had attended last weekend started to run through my mind. No notebook needed. "Knowledge without action is useless." Hued Flower wrote about the lack of knowledge. And I asked myself whether there was a lack of knowledge, or whether there was another problem. I started to write this comment:
"Nice post. I use it to ponder on what our strategy is, and what it should be. We are not the only group of people with problems within the group. All groups have inner wars going on. Yet, when they beat another group, they celebrate it. Do we as Black people ever celebrate beating other groups together? Here in Holland we celebrate the end of slavery: Keti Koti. What end of what slavery?! We are celebrating NOT beating any other group!"How painful. I should be using my words to cut up other groups. Instead, I hurt myself. I stood around like the ignorant person that I am, trying to celebrate Keti Koti, when I know that no chains have been cut. There was no lack of knowledge. I KNOW that the chains have become invisible to those who were foolish enough to believe they got "free". Bam bloody hell boozled. I still got played for a fool, and fools do not win. Keti Koti? You show up, you are a fool. Showing yourself to be a willing slave. You stay away, you are still a fool. Because if we all stay away, then it will be used against us in their blame-shame game. They will continue to speak for us and claim that we have no need for awareness on the Dutch role in the enslavement of Africans and African Americans.
What we need to do with Keti Koti, is to speak up for ourselves. No gathering of African Americans should forego on speaking on the chains. We are the ones to raise the awareness that the chains in whatever form need to get cut. And we are the ones to do it. The Chinese are not asking their former opium-pushers to have mercy on them and pay reparations. They are too busy taking over white business all over the world. What need do they have for reparations, when they can get the West into severe debt? The interest on the loans alone, will cover any need for reparations. Bam bloody... pay up. Until the sick ones throw out the monopoly money system.
See, our whole thinking stinks. Yes, we need to analyze white Pete and the pale horses. But, we know so much about white Pete that we act the part perfectly ourselves. Only among ourselves. We have/are yet to understand that slavery is "just business". We do not get to say anything unless we show that we can mobilize our people for the only worthy cause: freedom from other people. Where are our workers or soldiers to do the work necessary? Let me get to my second part of my attempt to comment:
"Are we celebrating the Haitian revolution? Do we even know about the Haitian revolution beyond his-story? We are too busy fighting a whole system called white supremacy, without having a system of our own to fight it with. What system did the Haitians have in place?"White Pete says that Haiti is the poorest country in the world, and we do not hesitate to believe so. Well, I put up one article at Too Much Black, and I never ever - neva eva - have to waste energy on white babble on Haiti ever again. I just throw back two words covering three commodities: black and gold. Black covers the people and the oil. And white Pete is not the only system craving the riches. So, for Haiti to end imposed poverty, all it has to do is to know what the other system is. And act on that knowledge. It is time to get rid of white Pete like the roaches they represent. Instead of letting your soldiers starve, you feed them so they can fight for freedom from other people. Or, pay for freedom in gold and oil. Still, before new parasites get in, there better be a system ready to be acted upon to become self-sufficient. Pay the new parasites to get the old ones out, and then take control over your own resources.
I can hear people gasp, as I am not supposed to talk about strategy in public. How many times do I have to explain to people that if they live in a city and have a cell/mobile phone at hand, there is no privacy?! (Former) gang members are ahead of the pack. They know how to throw up signs. I may want to sign up for sign language class now, before white Pete demands the prices to inflate beyond my sky (limit). To talk in "private" is to let ''them'' know. Why not other Black people? 'Lack of knowledge', for sure. It is time to deal with that. What strategy did the Haitians use? What strategy did Nat Turner use? What strategy are the Chinese using? What strategy are we using?
We are caught up in defining "we". I am among the guilty. White Pete and pale horses versus Black people. Brown Black versus Black Black. African versus African American. Why? To be able to deal with reality, you have to know what it is. Ignoring racism makes you... ignorant. It only becomes dangerous when we get emotional about it. We will not jump on white Pete for not paying us for our contributions to their material wealth, but we will jump on each other because white Pete said to hate ourselves. What do I care if someone calls me ugly, when that person depends on me to eat? I will only care about being called ugly if I have no thing to eat. Instead of getting emotional over fake beauty, I should check to see why I am no longer in business. Why? Because I was ignorant. With all the knowledge that I had, I still invested in the wrong business plan. The business plan of Kumbaya. I can blame it on white Pete. But, white Pete does not care.
White Pete does not like people. Period. So, why are my Turk (Turkish) neighbors not crying victim? What strategy are my Turk neighbors using? The Turk neighbors use white Pete for money, and that is the beginning and end of their love relationship. The Turks clean up white Pete's mess and get paid. They put their little pay together and buy the junk that they need together - preferable from their own group. Their little pay gets stretched in a way that beats the underpaying white system. Instead of pulling out of the system, they use the system in a way that keeps life manageable for all parties involved.
What does that have to do with me? Instead of pulling out of the white system without a back-up system, I am to use my buying power to entice white Pete to pay decent wages or allow for my new business to flourish. More money for me, means more money for them. I am not interested in white Pete liking me. They do not even like themselves. So, leave it. I am interested in white Pete coming up with the trick money. For now.
"See, I think that we got soft. We have become accustomed to intellectual white babble. But, it is still white babble. Children hear white babble at school almost the whole day almost everyday. How are we going to get our children to sit down, and talk at them for almost the whole day almost everyday ourselves?"I better correct myself on this one. Why would I replace their sick system with... their sick system? Who in their right minds would talk to children almost the whole day almost everyday? They do not like their own children so they do away with them in prison-schools. Get them ready for office jobs. But, our children are smarter than that. White Pete has control over our children for many years in their sick school system. But we can easily educate our children to see beyond the white babble with less effort. I did not say no effort. We have to get focused and put in the necessary effort repeatedly. And cut through the white babble efficiently and effectively. Now, what is to be put in the minds of those children when the white babble has been removed?
We have inherited a white Pete state of mind. So, we know that white Pete mimics. They do not learn by going through stages of development. They steal and mimic, and call whatever they act out their own. So, if they are unable to be original in anything, then who have they stolen their system from? Does it not make sense to go back to the Source, and learn the original system and upgrade it to present, near future and further times? Is that not what white Pete has been doing all along? We see the Moon, but we do not know about the dark Moon. So when we see the Sun, how are we going to know to look for the Second Sun? We let white Pete steal OUR system, corrupt it, and now we stumble around confused.
Action. Knowledge without action is of no use. Are we to wipe out the white system like China did, so we can replace it with our own system? Or do we use the white system and rebuild our former system that will deal with white Pete as it could not before? Or do we steal their sick white system and just cut them out of their own system?
"When white Pete attacks us on whatever, they are stone cold. We are the ones getting emotional and giving them our energy. The energy we need to work on our business. Many bloggers show that they can put together a business plan, and have a business up and running. No matter what white Pete says. And then? Are we willing to enslave our own people to be able to run a successful business? That is the question. Not for churches, but for the rest of us. How far are we willing to go to take our freedom? We fight against being slaves, because 'we want free', yet we are enslaved more than anyone else."Something is off with my own strategies. So, I am asking myself if I got stuck in insanity no matter my own writings. Am I doing the same thing that others have done before me, so that the same thing is being done over and over again? If I am just as insane as white Pete, then I might as well just shut up, sit down, and watch other groups adjusting their strategies as they go. I might learn something new. Yet, I sincerely feel that no one is doing anything new. It may look new, but unless someone puts up a third Sun in the sky, I am not to be fooled by the shine of empty words. If I have become part of the problem, or more accurately: if I never stopped being part of the problem, then that is a problem to me.
Something is not right. My whole plan was liberation for myself. But there is no liberation by myself. I typed it, I read it, but I have to let this sink in for a few days. "There is no liberation by myself."
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