They cannot survive without us. They have us locked into a codependent relationship. But make no mistake, for as long as we continue to play along,
they will be in control of that relationship. They are the predators and we are mere prey. No matter how much we have been able to fashion ourselves to look or behave like them. However, the prey can become mighty powerful once they realize that the predators will die without them. The predator has been prey all along. Their mind is set to not become prey ever again. As futile as that plan is, they take no chances and have many Black people locked away in concentration camps: prisons and clinics. For many of us physical bondage is still a reality.
For those out of physical bondage, the time to claim back our minds is now. Not next week, not tomorrow. NOW. And to do so, we have to understand how they whipped us into a child-like state so they could control or destroy us if we dared to go against their wishes to take the place of Nature and Gods.
There is work to be done. We need to get rid of our response behaviors, and become responsible for our own lives, instead of taking on the responsibility for white Pete. This hell is of their making, let them enjoy it. While we move on. Our descent into their well hell ends here. Those who managed to climb out do have a responsibility to help others out too. A most ungrateful job. And to know that it takes a clear and steady mind to be able to understand and see who can be saved from hell. Most are fast asleep in a bed that has been made to seem nice and comfortable by the means of illusions, distortions and addictions.
The following list is based on the Laundry List as used by Adult Children Anonymous. One of many spin-offs of AA. The original Laundry list works well for people deeply imbedded into white babble. In that case it may take white babble based on fewer white lies to come to understand that it is all a lie. There is no truth to their game. For those who have always had a life-line to Truth and did not have to drown in the white lies and babble, the Laundry List for Black Anon should be easy enough to tackle.
The Laundry List of Adult Children in Black Anon
1. We became isolated from 'society', and afraid of people and authority figures as they proved themselves to be untrustworthy.
2. Despite our fears, we continued to seek approval from white people and lost our Black identity in the process.
3. Without safety in our communities, we became frightened of Black people, and understood any criticism to be personal.
4. We became possessed by white people and suffered brutal abuse. We kept reaching out to other people to receive more abuse.
5. We lived life from the viewpoint of victims, and were attracted by that weakness in other people.
6. We were made responsible for white people, and were kept busy taking care of them instead of ourselves.
7. We confused fear with guilt. We felt fear when we needed to stand up for ourselves against white people, but we labeled the fear as guilt and then gave into their demands.
8. We confused pain with pleasure. We became accustomed to the stress white people caused us, and chose to mask the pain by seeking excitement and pleasure, as we continued to give into their demands.
9. We confused sympathy with pity. We tended to empathize with the white people we pitied and rescued them. Thus, we continued giving into their demands.
10. We stuffed our feelings from our traumatic childhood or adulthood. Our impaired ability to feel or express our own feelings, could not be healed as white people kept assaulting us. We kept out of touch with our feelings as one of our basic denials to be able to survive their assaults.
11. We judged ourselves as harshly as white people did, because we accepted the low esteem that they claimed to have of Black people, as our own sense of esteem.
12. We became dependent on white people, and remained terrified of pain and punishment. Yet, we would do anything to hold on to a relationship with them just to receive more pain or punishment. We received this sick state of mind from miserly education from white people who cannot care for Black people as they cannot even take care of themselves.
13. Slavery and abuse are a disease of white people. We took on the characteristics of their disease even when we did not physically pick up their whip.
14. We became reactors to white society rather than actors in Black society.
(c) Back Anon, 2013
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