20 March 2013

Speeding Up to Be Able to Cut Through Black Pete

Blackface Jesus - TamindzicThe layers of insanity are thick. It is a wonder that I can see anything at all. Then again, it is no wonder, because I can barely see anything at all. They blinded us, and then pierced a tiny hole through which they pour in their sickness. I may not be holding on to their Testaments, nor call them gods, but I know that I am still blind too. I am still not in control over my own mind.

So, what if the new pope is from Argentina, just like the wife of the new King of Holland? They are all Germanic Kazhars. One big happy family to keep the German agenda on track. They separated themselves from the slavs and other undesirables, and re-organized themselves. They had a triple caste system, which has become the custom in white society. They had their own elite that was to take over those still in power. They cloaked themselves in the habits of their enemies, and took them over from within. They became Germanic elite, and took over. No questions left to ask, so no need for their sick answers. But, their nonsense programming is still not broken through.

My mind has been wired to adapt to their nonsense quickly, and for deprogramming to be a difficult venture. For every step that I take away from their insanity, more veils appear in its place. Thick veils that could be cut through in one go if I was fast enough. Swiftness is of the essence. Too bad that their Black Pete insanity got me to slow down to a crawl. I must have been crawling around in circles, because it makes no sense to see that I am still blind. Well, at least I can see the blindness. Such empty comfort.

It is clear that I need to speed up. I do not have time to put all the pieces of the puzzle together one by one. That is not the way a jig saw puzzle is put together anyway. I am supposed to put the pieces that might fit together in little heaps before I get started. Thus, the German, Russian, Dutch and Argentinean elite form one heap. They represent the left side of the Caucasus. I need to leave it for now, and focus on another heap. What is on the other side of the Caucasus? Asian. The Chinese, Hong Kong, and Tibet? I have no idea what that is about. I will need to keep moving to other piles. Speed up. Make the rounds as I get more insights on the bigger picture. See how Turkey and Azerbaijan fit in.

That is still about them. Things that I cannot influence, for they have made me into the slav that they once were. Well, they did most of my ancestors. And the next generations are still mending their wounds, that leaves their offspring to figure things out for themselves. The puzzle that concerns my ancestors is starting to take form, and our story is starting to make sense. There were no twin towers that could be shut down to warn us. They took as they pleased. Lying and stealing. There have always been some insane dictators in history, but these people have bonded in their insanity, and unleashed this 'improved' version on the world. They kill their own to be able to create an enemy. As long as people fall for it, they will keep doing it. Nothing that I can do about it, except to get off their insane merry-go-round. I have no need for their night-merry. I need to keep practicing with my (s)words. Slice, cut, slice.

It it is great that I can see more of what they do, and more of who 'they' are. But, I am not to lose sight of my own circumstances. If I show weakness they will come down on me with as many white Petes as it takes. That is what weak people do. No fair fight. Their white Petes stand at the ready to attack when I refuse to be – or pretend to be - the Black Pete that they are. To slave away so they can make money from my toil. To give them money for worthless goods. To give them my information so they can manipulate me better. Better? Are they not doing a good job already? Of course they are. It is just that their Santa thinks ahead. It is clear that more and more people are waking up, so new techniques have to be in place to deal with that. There is nothing that they do for us that is not meant to enslave us further. They have things figured out for the next 60 years. They are planning for the next 60 years from then on.

More importantly, Santa wants to know how to keep the Black slavs in fear at the bottom of the pyramid for the next 120 years. Blind to their plight. It is clear that fear blinds best. Anger will only get us in enough trouble to then have to fear what white Pete will do to us for punishment. Right now they know me better than I do. Their system can deal with my intelligence just fine. It is their system that defines my intelligence as such anyway. If they do not want me to be intelligent they can arrange for that just fine too. Deliberate dumbing down. Until then they have use for my work. They covet it, but they do not want to pay for it. They just claim it as their own. Black slavery will never die for them.
One of the murals at the Denver International Airport - built like a giant swastika - says as much. It portrays a Black child in a coffin. Unlike the Christian Jew child and American Indian child, she is visibly chained. Even in death she is portrayed as a slave. It is a clear message. Which few conspiracy theorists have picked up on. They just look at her 'colorful garb', and remain blind to the shackles. I did not even need to see it, to know that I am still shackled too. Shackled to their insanity. I live the lie of freedom, instead of the truth of liberation.

I do not have the speed for liberation yet, so I have to be weary about them controlling my mind. Giving me an intelligence that is limiting and misguiding. An intelligence that ensures that I will be their slave. It feels as if they have managed to somehow even chain my soul. Now what kind of intelligence will be needed to undo that magick? Keep learning, meditating and practicing. Realize that Santa has many heads. Some prefer to call it arms, comparing Santa to an octopus. But I have been reading about their Greek gods and herus, and I am pretty sure that I need to dodge the arms, and aim for the middle head. Slice, cut, slice. Speed is of the essence.

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