It is time to deal with our Stockholm Syndrome. It is worse than Traumatic Slavery Syndrome. Even white Pete shows as much. At the end of 1984 by outsider-insider Eric
Arthur Blair, the white Slavery Syndrome got turned into Stockholm Syndrome. The tortured white Pete felt grateful towards his pale horse enslaver. Finally, his mind was broken. His higher mind forever out of reach, but he had no need for it anyway. As so many books that deal with (current) Black slavery, 40 Million Dollar Slaves by William C. Rhoden, shows that Black slaves never had the luxury to sit around and wait for their minds to give up by itself. They had to be broken in worse than horses upon enslaving. Money making waits for no one. And money does not make itself, unless you own a bank. Same principle though.
Black people represent a way to make money. Earning money is to work in bondage, making money is to design and profit from bondage. To be able to make money, one has to put slaves to work for little or no money. Even better, to have people work themselves into debt. Slaves supposedly earn money, to have to hand it back over to a boss or lord, to cover for ‘living expenses’. Who made living expensive? Indeed, the boss. To keep his slaves in their place. Even to this day, the only way for most to have any money after ‘taxes’ and ‘costs’ is to have other people make them money. Yes, to hire (wage) slaves. ‘You are either a pimp, or a horse.’ Slaving away juggling three jobs, is to be a horse. What used to be respectable has become quite foolish. Unless you are the boss, you snooze. Gesundheit.
Welcome to business. Calling yourself a business(wo)man does not count when you have no slaves to run busy. All the boss does is to pretend to be busy, while the slaves are busy with catering to the boss’ need for money and status. Ever more money, ever more busy. Remember the first time you were warned to ‘look busy’ whenever the boss was around, even when there was nothing to do? The boss wants to see his slaves busy, or else… there will be more work to deal with to make it so. Or, you get fired, because you have shown that you are of no use and thus cannot make the boss money. The basics of busy-ness. Do not let the boss catch you frolicking in the field.
So, why would Setan ever consider freeing Africans and African Americans from their involuntary bondage? White babble. Burst the propaganda bubble. Even freed slaves were not freed. Setan did not free anyone, as only the chains were hidden. ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’ It is that simple for them. As long as white Pete is allowed to indulge in his sick pleasures, he thinks himself free. Until Setan gives him the next assignment. But it is always the same assignment: make more money – make more slaves. Better slaves. Better yet, robots. One computer that stores personal information, in every home. One ‘smart’ phone that signals back personal information, in every hand. Is that not the ultimate proof of freedom? Black people have been broken to display the mind of white Pete, so they are very proud of that 300″ flat screen tv that got custom made in Setan’s factory.
When I look at the ‘love’ that Black people who are struggling at the bottom, show for white Pete and his Setan, I know that I am looking at an illness. The illness that white Pete has shown in slavery, is now streaming out of our own pores. It is one thing not to feel hate, yet be very careful around these three-faced defaulting Petes. It is another thing to like or ‘love’ them no matter your own pitiful circumstances. Or maybe because of your pitiful circumstances. It is no use to pretend to like them, because the result is the same. The subconscious mind does not understand the joke, so the joke will be on you. You will soon find that you try to fit in, in spite of your surface dislike. Whatever part of your mind has grown to like them, is wasted. There is nothing to like. Even those white Petes who may verbally take a stand against ill treatment of Black people, would prefer trying to rescue a stranded seal on some deserted beach, then invest their time actually ’saving’ a stranded Black person on the crowded beach of white supremacy nonsense.
Stockholm syndrome, or capture–bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them, and sometimes the feeling of love for the captor shows. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.
Stockholm syndrome can be seen as a form of traumatic bonding, which does not necessarily require a hostage scenario, but which describes “strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other.” One commonly used hypothesis to explain the effect of Stockholm syndrome is based on Freudian theory. It suggests that the bonding is the individual’s response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they no longer become a threat.
Battered-person syndrome is an example of activating the capture–bonding psychological mechanism, as are military basic training and fraternity bonding by hazing.See how white Wikipedia is? Not a word on physical Black slavery, even though it is the prime example of Stockholm Syndrome. The white and pale horses do not care for the truth, as the truth is whatever they make up. Even their own people will pretend to agree with whatever is being said, because they know that whatever is being said carries little weight. Their empty babble is not to be taken at three-faced value. Face one. ‘You are free.’ Face two. ‘Slavery has ended.’ Face three. ‘You are equal.’ To agree with any of those statements is to still be in a white Pete state of mind. If white Pete is not free, then what makes you think that you are? Their empty words?
To rely on their propaganda is exactly what they want us to do. And, they no longer have to interact with us to convince us. Instead, they can just get any of their horses to print out a brochure called magazine, or repeat the words in a commercial or advertisement, or force us to sit in front of a movie screen for two hours and have their actors show us how they want us to act. We will read, we will listen, we will watch. And before long we find ourselves doing exactly what they want us to do. Snap. They tricked us. But, it is no use putting the blame where the blame belongs. White Pete will claim white innocence, and just flat out deny involvement in the brainwashing. It is called crazymaking. Because that is what it is: crazy in the making.
They will advertize one thing, and then have their politicians, starlets and puppets, claim outrage at the outrageous behavior. Their police and ever-growing security force, stand at the ready to punish us for our obedience. Obedience? We are called disobedient, but we are doing exactly what they want us to do. Why would they invest in more police and security when crime numbers show a sharp declining slope?! They must know something that we do not know. That is exactly the point. So, put the blame back where it belongs, and know that the only way to be obedient is to be a ‘happy slave’. Even though, I must acknowledge that they have more use for unhappy slaves. They take it as an excuse to show more sickness from their bottomless pit of insanity.
We have plenty of work to do. Money seems of utter importance, but clearly money cannot heal a corrupted mind. Even with no money we need to go to war and set our minds right. So, that when a white Pete comes along trying to get us to call ourselves hoochie or coochie too, and be ‘happy’ about it, we can say ‘no thanks’ and move away from their stinking body parts. It is their way to act ‘ghetto’, as if I forgot that ghetto is their own special creation. A holding pen for slaves. This white Pete is not from a ghetto or hood, or she would know that Black women do not walk around calling themselves that. But, then again, how would I know? I am not from a ghetto either. Even though, Holland feels like one big concentration camp to me. Maybe it feels that way because my own Stockholm Syndrome is finally wearing off.
It could be worse. Clearly I do not suffer from white Pete’s Jeru-Salem Syndrome. There is no peace in this city. White Pete can no longer fool me into accepting his sickness – nor like it. I can clearly see that their protoplasm is leaking as their sin multiplies. They medicate themselves to keep alive. What for? Too harsh. They are allowed to live, but all on one separate island. And the last time I checked, Jeru Salem was not an island. Maybe it is their agenda for the future, and I am just being impatient. Amen?
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