23 June 2013

The Black Laundry List

Be Free ChriscrazyhMost of us forced by the Diaspora to take root outside of Africa, have been separated from our previous and continuing rich Black history. Those who survived the maiming, raping and killing by the white and pale horses, got whipped into the dark image of the cancers that lurk beneath their defective skin. They cannot help themselves, and need us to take on the responsibility for their lives as they continue to seek to control and destroy.

They cannot survive without us. They have us locked into a codependent relationship. But make no mistake, for as long as we continue to play along,

16 June 2013

The White Serenity Spell

ProtectionWhere there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor vexation. Where there is poverty and joy, there is neither greed nor avarice. Where there is peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt. -- The Counsels of the Holy Father St. Francis, Admonition 27

This quote calling for submittance by Francis of Assisi is used, because some attribute the serenity prayer to him. White Wikipedia shows that a guy named Niebuhr is to be credited. Let Pete and the pale horses argue about it. The serenity prayer is only relevant because it is the main spell used in AA, and the Twelve Steps of Black Anon are based on the twelve steps of AA. Once upon a time some jhws got together and decided that they were going to start a cult based on helping themselves to ban the-evil of alcoholism from their lives. They had such an appetite for alcohol that the only thing that was left for them to do, was to put a Higher Power in between them and the-evil. As they claimed success,

9 June 2013

Black Anon

Makes Me Wanna Holla Marcus Kwame Anderson

The Twelve Steps of Black Anon
  1. We admitted we were powerless over racists and racist behavior - that our lives had become unmanageable because we gave them our power.

5 June 2013

White Pete Causes Black People to Holly Disappear

Black Soldiers In WW2 - NACommemoration? After a month of jhw victimhood reinforced, what will be made of the pain of their victims? Keti Koti month? I did not see any bill boards announcing such a thing. Oh well, back to my side of the street, and deal with the real. Not to sit around and wait for the Dutch who are still heavily investing in slavery, to cough up the money owned to Black people as a whole, and reparations to be made to descendents of their formerly and currently enslaved in their former and current Kingdom of Neanderland, to save their own souls. They have had ample opportunity to come correct, and they just laughed at the 'foolishness' of still having a soul to answer to.

They have come to accept that we do not fight back in the dirty way that classifies

3 June 2013

Leaving Keti Koti to Dutchess

DG Keti Koti Amsterdam
Keti Koti month started today, June 1st. Keti Koti (literally 'chains cut') concerns the formal abolishment of the physical enslavement of Africans and African Americans in Suriname. Suriname is a country in South-America that has been aligned with the countries in the Caribbean Sea. That is, Suriname (Dutch Guyana), British Guyana, and French Guyana, form the three countries in South-America that are considered part of the Caribbean, based on the common story of physical and mental Black slavery and servitude. No one questions why the same does not apply to Brazil and Venezuela. It is irrelevant for now. Keti Koti deals with the formal abolishment of slavery in Suriname.

As I have been ignorant about Keti Koti month, I was not set to write an article