27 February 2013

White Pete Has A Mind Prepared For Double Talk

Fusion'It is so hard.'  Yes, and? What does that have to do with anything? It is the plan. For things to be so hard for you, that you give up. They want your submission, your obedience. And they work hard twenty-four seven, to ensure that you sink to your knees. There is no law against you crying about your pathetic state, but how about getting off your knees? And get to clearing up the mess you created in your ignorance. There is no savior coming. You are it. Pull yourself up, and show that it can be done. It may be 'hard', but people do it all the time. When are you

18 February 2013

Black Pete Made Me Do It

Lion Black and White ProfileDear followers, likers, and readers,

Thank you for your well-wishes. I am doing as well as I can, and will be doing better as soon as I can. I have been taking it easy, well easier, but I have been continuing my real education, and taking notes (and names). 

1 February 2013

Why Would White Pete Care About Black Health?

Fear FaceThat was a close call. The morning after my last post, I could no longer be active. I had run out of fuel. All I could do was take some medication, and remain inactive. Saving grace. The medication worked faster than I had expected. I stopped sliding into oblivion. Immanent danger. My body still did not like the medication. The toxic pills always help at first, if taken in a low dosage, but then my body goes into attack mode. It does not have the energy to keep me active, but it knows where to find the energy to fight the medication. I came to solve that puzzle too.