29 April 2013

White Pete Uses A Holly Stick

King LogoJust call it a miracle. The Rijksmuseum (State museum) got finished just in time for the coronation - yes, inauguration -  of the new king of the orange house. The Dutch media dutifully did as ordered and portrayed him as a 'humane' king. How would they know? Did they forget to tell us that he has already been ruling for a while? These people feed us lies while they keep the agenda on track. I wonder what Agenda 21 is called in Dutch. Ah. 'Agenda 21'. It works well in many languages. How cunning of them. New World Caste Order for them, New World Slavery for us. Is there any place where Black people are free from them? Africa?! Is that not where they 'collected' some of us in the first place?

21 April 2013

White Babble Is Effective Miscommunication

Do Not Be FooledIt should be clear by now that there are different groups of people involved in the upholding of Black people as the latest slav class. If we leave the current top of the pyramid for what it is - unclear - we can focus on what is clear. The top of the pyramid hides behind the self-chosen sick ones. The sick ones make it easy, as they want to show the world that their 'god' has chosen them to rule the world. It is not a complete and utter lie. They made it into a lie by naming their god JHWH, and used this to distract people from the top of their pyramid. Then these self-proclaimed JHWs concocted new sick ways of controlling the minds of the masses for their Setan. They have an extra-special

8 April 2013

White Pete Is But the Pale Horse of Setan

Today throughout the five continents of the globe it is Europe and most sections of America that are renowned for law and order, government and commerce, art and industry, science, philosophy and education. Yet in ancient times these were the most savage of the world’s peoples, the most ignorant and brutish. They were even stigmatized as barbarians—that is, utterly rude and uncivilized.
Further, from the fifth century after Christ until the fifteenth, that period defined as the Middle Ages, such terrible struggles and fierce