5 December 2011

No Black Pete List

Personally, I boycott all the stores that have Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) on display. If the owners of the store do not have the decency to not offend me as a customer, then they are in no need of my money. I am not paranoid about it, if I discover the display too late, or if I am dependent on one item from that store, I will not throw a tantrum. I will just make sure that I figure out where else to find the article. Thus, I protest with my money.

The stores that display Black Petes I will avoid from then on. I will actively think of other stores to buy my stuff from. The open racism only goes partly underground until the next year. I have taught myself not to be dependent on sick people. Stores that show improve the next year, that is they skip the ridicule and respect all customers, I might shop at again. But, I keep my eyes open. They fall back into ridicule and they will not see me again.

This year there were notably more shops restricting themselves to images of Sinterklaas without Black Petes. The bigger chain stores like Albert Heijn and Blokker no longer had offensive images in the shop windows. Some chain stores did print the offensive images in their brochures or on advertising displays hidden away somewhere in the store.

Black Pete Short List 2011
Azzuro (shoes)
Computerland (computers)
Dirx (alcohol)
Douglas (perfume)
Kijkshop (cheap appliances)
Kruidvat (cosmetics and pharmaceuticals)
Lidl (supermarket)
Scheltema Selexyz (books)

A lot of small store owners still choose to display offensive Black Pete dolls.

Examples of stores where offensive Black Pete images were on display can be added as a comment.

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