21 November 2012

What Do They Need Black Pete For?

The difficulty with anger is that it is quick to rise, but slow to dissipate. I still cannot believe the scale of the Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Clause and Black Pete) event I saw last weekend. I did not see the celebration of slavery itself, as I had made a rash decision to get some food later in the day. But just the sheer mass of adults and children that I saw leave the scenes of the crime, got me to understand that the celebration was in no danger of abolition.

A year ago, I had decided to write on the racial concept of Black Pete from an informed perspective. I reasoned that sanity could replace insanity. I could go about it as methodically as these sick people go about protecting their precious celebration of the violation of intrinsic human rights of Black people. A year later, and I begin to understand the error
of my ways. Even if the anti-Black Pete movement got mass attention, the event would only prove to get bigger.

My assumption was that the celebration of slavery is witness to the insanity of slavery and the ridiculous idea that Black people are alike to animals. As if the ill-treatment of Black people shows anything but savagery. Anyway, as I started to read more on the New World Order and eugenics, I quickly realized that eugenics was not a Nazi invention, nor did it 'go away'. The Nazis did perfect this deviant theory, but it did not stop with them. After the Nazis left for other countries to continue their work at the end of European War II, eugenics was still a major pillar in the plans for the New World Order. Eugenics seemed out of sight, but it was never out of mind. It was divided up in less obvious parts, while the aim to conquer - and annihilate - the lesser humans remained the same. School, media and entertainment could indoctrinate in a much subtler way.

Never mind the Illuminati. They are low-level puppets. They are the smoke screen to keep the monarchs, Nazis, and psychopathic money-hoarding oligarchs out of view. There are gods walking the earth, and they think they are it. Humans are to be enslaved to serve them. It is bad news for Black people, as we are on the top of the list of dispensable slaves, and on the bottom of the list of deserving human beings. As insane as their world view and plans are, that much do they think that they are sane. And, these self-appointed inhumane 'gods' have the power to implement any sick plan that they can come up with. My little blog and brain cannot match that.

The scale of the Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet travesty, got me to realize that things are going according to plan. It is a plan that had been laid out long before I was born. I cannot go back far enough in my ancestral line to find someone who knew of the plan well enough, to be able to warn me in my dreams. I suspect that is because we were once the rulers. It might explain the vast hatred that I find myself confronted with in the present. Their revenge is not pretty. Whereas we ruled in accordance with Nature, their science demands that Nature gets cut up to see how it works.

The New World Order has had a taste for Black slavery for centuries, and all plans are in place to keep slavery going. Not just in the South (Africa, South-America, the Caribbean) and the East (Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia). Not just to kill people in the middle ('Arabia'). No. The Black people in the West are a sore to pigment-void eyes. We need to be removed from the public, and trained to submit and accept menial jobs for low wages. Or get stuck with welfare which is often does not even cover the rent.

Black Pete shows me how next generations are sold the idea of Black slavery afresh. The New World Order knows how to sprinkle their insanity with sugar and call it candy. The plan is ruthless, and kept in place throughout the generations. Those in charge get their robots, puppets and minions to keep the System in place. The government is used to protect the perpetrators. Protesters get threatened with jail, or financial repercussions that come from losing their jobs or getting audited by the IRS and fined.

The society of white people are not safe from those psychopaths either. Psychopaths simply do not like people. No one is good enough to match them. They do not have the feelings that are needed to get attached to other people and to want to take care of them. As they do not even like their own, I used to think that there was ground to unite against the insane of these psychopaths, who deem those who can feel and have emotions insane. But, the special hate that is reserved for Black people cannot be countered with mere reason. I know that I need to defend my own.

It was not enough to kill, torture and break us through slavery. As descendants we are denied the right to heal our pain. Hurt that cannot be healed, will get passed on. We get ridiculed for not getting past the insanity inflicted on our ancestors. We get ridiculed for refusing to forget what has passed down to us, and has become part of our blood. From one generation on to the next. It is not our skin, but what is underneath it that needs healing. The horror and terror in the form of memories that get passed on. It lives on in us until it gets proper release. They know that. It is in their plans. They want to block us from healing so we remain in a slave-like state of mind. Our blood is their gold.

It took me long enough to understand that the pain of my ancestors cannot and should not be ignored. If I do not take a stand, then I will run the risk of passing it on myself. I am convinced that the hurt can be healed. Even when they have mass celebrations to keep the wounds open.

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