31 May 2013

White Pete Is Not the Only Kryptonite

Boa Constrictor Hellfrain VisionsThere is so much to write about, that I have to guard myself from suffering a scattered brain. No need to hamper the recovery of my mind. Let me check my footing, before I look back up to get started. Yes, my limited editions still look fresh after two years. Time to get to work. Aaargh. What. The. Hell?! I looked down for just a minute, and as I looked back up all the Black people disappeared. There are some people walking about that look vaguely brown. I think they erroneously call them Morrocons. Moor cons. This branch of whitened arabs think of Black people as 'monkeys and gorillas'. Well hell, you better watch your banana around them. They are working for the enemy, and do not care about it beyond their pay check.

The new generation of arab Morrocons, have the white Pete disease down to an art. It is not that they use the same white babble - as until recently few of them have been allowed into universities. No, it is the whitening of their skin and features,

26 May 2013

Ignoring Slavery Makes White Pete Call It Stockholm Syndrome

MelaninaAll I see is a competition between slaves, while the sick master minds keep out of sight. Pleased to see that the slaves who dare rebel against white Pete and Setan, remain unaware of it causing more strife. Any hate adds to the power of Setan. It is important not to get stuck having feelings for white Pete.  There is no need to envy slaves who seem to do better. Because, if they knew better, we would not all still be slaves. Leave the envy to the sick ones, we do not have time to go tanning. Look around. Recognize the game plan, and leave Animal Farm.

It is time to deal with our Stockholm Syndrome. It is worse than Traumatic Slavery Syndrome. Even white Pete shows as much. At the end of 1984 by outsider-insider Eric

18 May 2013

No Desire For Their Psychopathic Walhalla

Klan Initiation
This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the “Quiet War/’ being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with “silent weapons.”
This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry. — From Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (1979) attributed to the Bilderberg Group
It is important for our children to learn to defend their selves. As we draw up the plan to be able to effectively shield and efficiently counterattack on all levels, it will be clear that we need to know who the enemies are. What is it that we need to be able to defend our selves against? Just look. Look past all the fake smiles and stop listening to the empty white babble. Look at their sick advertisements. The bill boards plastered all over the city, the magazines and newspapers, television and YouTube. Stop sending that next text-message on your ‘smart’ phone that has a

15 May 2013

White Pete Cannot Sin

“Our Father in Heaven, Holy be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we also forgave those who sinned against us. Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil”. -- Modern version of the Lord's Prayer -- Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4
Who made up this prayer, thinking themselves 'our Father'? Unless we are clear about the fraud, we should not be surprised to find ourselves wasting time on the wrong 'gods'. These human miscreants mean business. To rule this earth as their kingdom. Leaving us to be sanyasis begging them for some daily crumbs. It would not be half as bad if they would give us decent food. But, not only do we get experimented on with Frankenstein food, they actually make us pay for it. Worse, they overcharge us. Frankenfood is the cheapest 'food' they can manufacture,

11 May 2013

What Is Hindsight Without Eyesight?

sadnessNo matter how hard I try, I do not see it. I do not see this change happening that should come from all the hard work done to burst the white bubble. Why are these psychopaths still faring well? Karma is not about the after-life, it is about life. So why in life, are these murderers not suffering for their misdeeds? They have no need for their soul, but should that not hurt? Or are their pharma drugs keeping them from feeling it?

7 May 2013

Remember the Parable of the Mote and the Beam

god-complexAs we get taxed into a special kind of poverty, the ones living comfortably behind their cloak of victimhood keep pointing their stumpy fingers at those who helped them into their global wealth. Of course I am talking about the enslaved Africans first and foremost. But, as the global guilt day has finally passed, I feel like sharing a bit more on their aids from their own pyramid.

Their aids who were no longer of use, were killed or otherwise sacrificed. Amazingly, even those put on public display remained loyal to their sick bosses. Or were they operating on a 'need to know' basis, and they did