23 January 2013

Black Pete Has Been Killing Me Not So Softly

Do not let those doctors fool you. They do not teach all doctors the same. Most doctors are just barely trained to deal with basic health problems. They are all trained to sell you pharma pills, but most of the doctors do not even know what is in the pills. They lay that responsibility on you. All doctors get trained in white medicine, but only a few know enough about the constitution of a Black person. If you want your doctor to be of any help, then you need to make sure that the doctor knows that medications and other treatments work differently on Black people than it does on white.

It takes an understanding of the most basic of things, to see why Black people are at such a disadvantage when it comes to

17 January 2013

You Do Not Like Your Black Pete Job? Let White Pete Help You Find Another One.

As an introduction to the second part of the list, I feel like sharing a summarized story. Two years ago, a ‘befriended’ white lawyer looked at me, and told me to look for a job where I could work with my hands. Even though, he has asked me for ‘advice’ on many legal issues, he felt that it would be better if I did not practice law. That it would be therapeutic for me to just find a job working with my hands. Like he had done himself many years ago. He had been a gardener for a while.
Black Hand
No, I did not curse, nor spit, nor did the Kill Bill thing to stop his heart from beating. I just looked at him, and realized that he was not the smartest of the bunch of racist lawyers. How did he suppose that all the black letters appear on the white paper? If not for my hands?! Never mind the blatant racism

13 January 2013

How Can You Look At Black Pete And Not Know Where to Get A Job?

What are the jobs for Black people? Well, Satan Claus went through all that trouble of dressing white Pete up, and you still do not know? It is a good thing that I have been paying attention. Ever since I got on the job market aeons ago. Instead of conducting a survey and interviews, I will put aside white science that is intent on killing Nature. I will just use the sense that Nature gave me, nothing common about it. Here goes the 'we already knew that…' list. Oh, I almost forget the general warning for the use of a lot of sarcasm, irony and plain old ridicule. I will get more 'scientific' in a next post (if I can come up with a good reason to do so).

zwarte piet 7
- Black Pete does not get a pay. Enter welfare slave. Get money from the government for giving the government all your information, and the information of your children and children's children. All that information is worth a fortune, but

9 January 2013

Black Pete Shows Black People to Act Like White Pete

Santa-Pete MadnessThe Black Pete program is still running, but what does that have to do with me? I know that I am not Black Pete, and I do not strive to be white Pete. I have no business entering into relationships with people who seek to exploit me. I deem it a sign of sanity to seek the company of those who do not care about the color of my skin. Or their own. Santa will exploit anyone to suit his greed.

It is frustrating to talk to people who might want to understand how the Black Pete program blocks the way for Black people, but they cannot see their part in it. White Pete is excluding Black people from jobs? How can that be news? White Pete does not care about Black people, because white Santa teaches him not to. So, why would white Pete want to hire a Black person? They are still not used to having to pay us for anything.

5 January 2013

Black Pete Shows What Kind of Black Is Ugly

Vatican Swiss Guards 2The post that was to be published today was on Black Pete showing Black people what jobs we are allowed to have in this sick society. It was almost finished. All that was left is to do, was to tone it down. People might take offense to me typecasting Black people in all the wrong ways. Which would be exactly the point. Still, the light of reality might be too bright for those just waking up. Never mind, it will have to wait. I have more important things on my mind. One of them is 'beauty'.

That white Pete is adamant about showing a stupid Black Pete, is clear. But, the story does not end there. The image to be branded into the brains of all the Satan Claus followers, is that Black people are not just the expected slaves, but ugly slaves on