It is clear that all the supposed childplay is to make sure that the indoctrination works. Society needs to
be sick, so that the people who engineered it to be that way, can control it. Sane people have no need
29 December 2012
Without Black Pete the Santa Scam Does Not Work
24 December 2012
Black Pete Could Not Face the End of the World
What happened to the end of their world? I fell asleep to wake up 3 minutes late. I was not surprised that I made it through the end, but what happened to the white Petes who actually believed their false prophets? Why were they not hauled off to planet X by their makers? Satan Claus must have needed them to keep working here. Why do they keep wishing for the end of the world, when they should be working to free themselves from their zombie state? White Pete must like being white Pete.
The same white Pete that sold the terror scenario until two days ago, now turns around and laughs. ‘I told you that it was not going to happen.’ Uhm. No. You just deleted your doom-day posts on Facebook and Twitter, and predated the I-knew-it-all-along posts that
Black Pete,
End of the World,
Human Rights,
Iceberg Slim,
Mind Control,
Zwarte Piet
20 December 2012
Black Pete Cannot Hide the Evidence, the White Hands Are Showing
Why still go on about Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Claus and Black Pete)? What an odd question. I did not realize that there was a deadline. Why not go harass the people who run the websites where they count down to the next Sinterklaas. 'Santa Claus will return in 333 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes and 54 seconds.' How is that for planning?
Besides, as long as my skin is called Black and I do not get awarded basic human rights because of that, I have an issue with people putting on black-face to show how stupid they think Black people are. They never put on black-face so they can attend to open-heart surgery or
Besides, as long as my skin is called Black and I do not get awarded basic human rights because of that, I have an issue with people putting on black-face to show how stupid they think Black people are. They never put on black-face so they can attend to open-heart surgery or
Black Pete,
Human Rights,
Mind Control,
Zwarte Piet
16 December 2012
Black Pete Does Not Need a Budget
But, wait a minute. Before we get to take a look at the real expensive Christ-mass junk, can anybody tell me what the budget was for the Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Claus and Black Pete) travesty? The government is selling us one financial crisis after another, while denying to
Black Pete,
Human Rights,
Mind Control,
Zwarte Piet
15 December 2012
Black Pete - Bloggers
Black Pete is outshining Satan Claus this year. I have not been able to keep up with the other bloggers, but there is no time like the present to start a list. Even though I start with one blog, I will continue to add to the list as I seek out the bloggers that have a story to tell.
Quinsy Gario:
This blogger points out that there are Black people who are willing to put on black-face to act like Black Pete. It is interesting, because their own Black skin does not make them Black Pete. They have to put on black-face like white Pete, to be able to transform into Black Pete. Does that make them a white Pete when the make-up gets wiped off? If they are getting paid, then they are Sambos. If they do it for free, then... Satan is winning.
This blogger points out that there are Black people who are willing to put on black-face to act like Black Pete. It is interesting, because their own Black skin does not make them Black Pete. They have to put on black-face like white Pete, to be able to transform into Black Pete. Does that make them a white Pete when the make-up gets wiped off? If they are getting paid, then they are Sambos. If they do it for free, then... Satan is winning.
Quinsy Gario:
12 December 2012
No Black Pete Is Not Equal to White Pete
The block on my other blog has been partially lifted. As mysteriously as the ban got placed on November 29th, it seemed lifted on December 6th. Yes, I took notice of the dates. I could not find my blog in the Reader after November 29th, and I got no access to other blogs on Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet nor Santa Claus and Black Pete, until December 6th. Only followers and those invited, can get access to my posts. I guess that I am still not to spoil Sinterklaas for the 'children'. How easy it is to not have to report on protests, by keeping the protesters mute. Not that it kept me from writing.
I had seen it before, but I did not understand what I was seeing until it happened to me. Blogs that appear in the Reader one day, never to be found again. To [search and] find that the bloggers never stopped blogging, instead
Black Pete,
Human Rights,
Mind Control,
Zwarte Piet
9 December 2012
Black Pete - Sinterklaas Left. Why Are You Still Here?
So, the mass slavery celebration has come to an end, and white Pete has to cover up his racist mind again. Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Clause and Black Pete) got back on the slave boat, and were waved out. I actually do not know what happened, because I was not around to see it. Still, as the Dutch are a greedy bunch, and they try to stick with old methods that are cheapest, yet good enough for the purpose, I suspect that they did not get Santa and the Petes on a private jet. No, Santa and the Petes are to sail - or steam off - across the canal, so the white zombies can stand on the docks and wave them out.
Just to make sure that they do leave. Enough is enough, already. They can only pretend to be 'good' for so long. The fake smiles and black-face make-up are itching. The euphoria of cheering on the white man in a dominant position over a fleet of
Just to make sure that they do leave. Enough is enough, already. They can only pretend to be 'good' for so long. The fake smiles and black-face make-up are itching. The euphoria of cheering on the white man in a dominant position over a fleet of
5 December 2012
Black Pete, Where Did You Leave Sinterklaas?
Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Claus and Black Pete) serves to get children indoctrinated. Nothing new there. Parents are to show that their indoctrination is still in effect, as they pass on their disease to their children. To get their children indoctrinated to buy into a white supremacy ideal, the poison candy and worthless gifts do not suffice. No, there have to be stories of Black Pete not able to live up to low expectations and simple responsibilities. Black people are not to be trusted, you know. They cannot even take care of the simple assignment of guarding a horse.
How can a slave robbed of his own mind, lose a horse? Does he not know that his life depends on it? Well, the slave will get his later. Set the example, and have him lose more of his mind. It is time to give the job to a more deserving mind-control subject. Let us get the children involved, and threaten them. If there is
How can a slave robbed of his own mind, lose a horse? Does he not know that his life depends on it? Well, the slave will get his later. Set the example, and have him lose more of his mind. It is time to give the job to a more deserving mind-control subject. Let us get the children involved, and threaten them. If there is
Black Pete,
Human Rights,
Mind Control,
Zwarte Piet
3 December 2012
Cannot Make Black Pete Look Black Enough to Make White Pete Look White Enough
It is International Day Against Slavery, and I wonder where everyone is hiding. Yes, it is cold out there, but there must be some government building available somewhere, so we can talk about the hypocrisy of the business of slavery and the claim of formal abolishment. And I have a few stories to tell about the Dutch and how the government is involved in the celebration of slavery. Do not expect the Dutch government to help abolishment beyond a lot of paperwork bearing a lot of empty words. The only thing that has changed are the labels. Sex slaves, domestic slaves, labor slaves, debt slaves, animal slaves, cult slaves, and managers. The Dutch cult slaves celebrate Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Claus and Black Pete).
It would have been nice if I could have gone on a walking tour through the city. There are white people out there that can point
It would have been nice if I could have gone on a walking tour through the city. There are white people out there that can point
30 November 2012
Black Pete - The Memory of Slavery Kept Alive
Finally. The Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Claus and Black Pete) propaganda cannot get me thrown off my balance anymore. Most of the anger has been processed, the sorrow has been voiced. I can see more clearly again. And clarity is of the essence. I already knew that it was a waste of my precious energy, to get upset with the zombies looking for poison candy and toxic gifts, as a pay off to keep the propaganda of Black slavery alive.
A few days ago, I saw an article caption that read "Have you thanked your captors lately?" I changed it to 'Have you thanked your enemies lately' and, almost immediately I got access to a better solution. It is not a 'final solution', but then again I have no need to channel
A few days ago, I saw an article caption that read "Have you thanked your captors lately?" I changed it to 'Have you thanked your enemies lately' and, almost immediately I got access to a better solution. It is not a 'final solution', but then again I have no need to channel
27 November 2012
Black Pete - The Emblem of Pain That Can Lead to Maturity

24 November 2012
See the Real Face of Black Pete
Behind the anger is always fear. The fear that things are even worse than deemed thus far. I had encountered their resistance to abolish the Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) nonsense before at work. Several years ago, I suggested a simple celebration of children's day. To allow children a special day with high fructose-glucose syrup candy, and gifts to show their parents' slave mentality. I got met with silence, instead of applause. My white audience was not ready for a change of mind.
That silence was covert anger. They kept their opinions to themselves. That is, they waited for me to be out of their sight, to discuss my utter arrogance among themselves. Who da hell did I think I was?! No one touches their Zwarte Piet! My well-intended compromise - they keep their day to waste sugar and money on their children, but have to let go
That silence was covert anger. They kept their opinions to themselves. That is, they waited for me to be out of their sight, to discuss my utter arrogance among themselves. Who da hell did I think I was?! No one touches their Zwarte Piet! My well-intended compromise - they keep their day to waste sugar and money on their children, but have to let go
21 November 2012
What Do They Need Black Pete For?
The difficulty with anger is that it is quick to rise, but slow to dissipate. I still cannot believe the scale of the Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet (Santa Clause and Black Pete) event I saw last weekend. I did not see the celebration of slavery itself, as I had made a rash decision to get some food later in the day. But just the sheer mass of adults and children that I saw leave the scenes of the crime, got me to understand that the celebration was in no danger of abolition.
A year ago, I had decided to write on the racial concept of Black Pete from an informed perspective. I reasoned that sanity could replace insanity. I could go about it as methodically as these sick people go about protecting their precious celebration of the violation of intrinsic human rights of Black people. A year later, and I begin to understand the error
A year ago, I had decided to write on the racial concept of Black Pete from an informed perspective. I reasoned that sanity could replace insanity. I could go about it as methodically as these sick people go about protecting their precious celebration of the violation of intrinsic human rights of Black people. A year later, and I begin to understand the error
18 November 2012
Black Pete – Indoctrination And Entertainment Sprinkled With Sugar
As if it is not bad enough that they flaunt their racism in my face, I am forced to take a detour. City council thinks that the Santa Claus and Black Pete (Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet) travesty is important enough to detour traffic. I found it difficult to control my anger when I saw all those children being led to partake in the celebration of slavery. The children do not care, because they get paid with candy. They were led by their parents to get their fix. Like little dogs reacting to a bell. Good doggie.
It is no use getting mad at those innocent chilluns. I heard parents asking their critters if they were able to get enough candy from Zwarte Piet. I did not wait to hear the answer. The children got paid for
It is no use getting mad at those innocent chilluns. I heard parents asking their critters if they were able to get enough candy from Zwarte Piet. I did not wait to hear the answer. The children got paid for
1 October 2012
The Ridicule Points Towards A Precious Mind
I take offense to the ridicule, but it is the covert operation to hold our children back that really gets me upset. Our children are neglected and abused.
1 August 2012
Now Where Did I Leave My Kwakoe?
The government did not want to invest, even though it would see a return in its investment in the form of jobs, licenses, public transport and parking, and of course taxes.
1 July 2012
The Dutch Government Killed NiNsee
The Dutch government has killed NiNsee, the Nationaal instituut Nederlands slavernijverleden en erfenis, which in English translates to the National institute for Dutch Slavery History and Heritage. NiNsee organized activities in order to commemorate slavery and celebrate the abolishment of slavery, also known as Keti Koti, on July 1st. The Dutch government formally abolished slavery in the Dutch colonies - Surinam and the Dutch Antilles - on 1 July 1863 (after 200 years). Of course, slavery did not end with the formal abolishment.
Human Rights,
Keti Koti,
Self Help,
Shut Down,
1 February 2012
Flight of the Bigot
Black Pete,
Mind Control,
Skin Color,
White Pete,
Zwarte Piet
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