It is clear that all the supposed childplay is to make sure that the indoctrination works. Society needs to
be sick, so that the people who engineered it to be that way, can control it. Sane people have no need
for government or corporations to tell them what to do. Thus, the real Santa makes sure that people go - and remain - insane so they will forever need a savior. Enter Santa. Sick people will give up all their money just to get saved. Saved from what? Saved from whom? The Santa that made them ill, has no intention of curing them. There simply is no money in curing anything, unless it can create a bigger problem. It is all about the Benjamins.
for government or corporations to tell them what to do. Thus, the real Santa makes sure that people go - and remain - insane so they will forever need a savior. Enter Santa. Sick people will give up all their money just to get saved. Saved from what? Saved from whom? The Santa that made them ill, has no intention of curing them. There simply is no money in curing anything, unless it can create a bigger problem. It is all about the Benjamins.
Santa wants all of us to earn as much money as we can, and then hand more than that back. We get a lot of junk, entertainment, addiction, fear and illness in return. The 'economy' depends on it. Santa runs tests to see people of all color spend more money than they can afford to on 'gifts'. Gifts that promise happiness. However, no pleasure in the world can keep the depression away when the credit card bill arrives. Is Santa sharing any of that misery? No, Santa is still laughing. Ho, ho, hahaha. Add up the numbers, and see how much the real Santa is making of the 'childplay'. Santa has no problem using children to get rich. Are they not the ones sweating to put together the gifts in the first place?
One would think that the early Sinterklaas warning in Holland would have been enough to stop people from falling prey to the Santa-scam a second time at X-mass. But, no. The white Pete program keeps running. 'Happiness for sale'. Right. How happy can one feel about consuming more junk and creating more debt? No more smiles when the children keep asking for more gifts. The parents have allowed them to learn to become greedy, and like good students they want more gifts. They cannot understand that the gifts have nothing to do with them or their behavior, but everything to do with the Stockholm Syndrome of their parents.
It is not just white Pete that refuses to see who the real Santa is. People of all colors are turning a double blind eye to those who are robbing them cripple. Just in case some wake up, the insult 'it is just a children's party' is added, and duly repeated. Oh, that makes the Sinterklaas racism alright. Phew, I got all worried over nothing for a minute. What a good idea to dress up, and blame Black people for all the problems that white Satan Claus keeps creating. What a good idea to forget about one's problems by creating more problems.
As I did not bother with any Satan celebrations, I could not get distracted from looking at the strings attached to the people who were eager to partake in the travesties. White Pete is clearly not smart enough to be white Santa too. So, who is the real Santa? I am not naming names, just dropping clues. Why do I have to do all the work here? Where is white Pete when you need one? Oh, right. White Pete does not care about Black people, only about pleasing Santa. It might be a better idea to turn this into a quiz then. Have any people come up with the answers. Yes, plural.
What does Santa do with all the money that disappears in de zak van Sinterklaas (the bag of Santa Claus)? With people giving money and collateral away twice this month - on top of the regular inflated bills and not counting 'new year' - what does Santa do for the people with all that money? The money is not spent on the people who were so kindly manipulated to part with it. All the things government claims to be doing for us, have already been paid for ten times over. And even when the Dutch government spends any money on us, it will be after the plans to take the money back in tenfold, have been drawn up - ready for execution.
Black Pete is a distraction from the white hand in our pockets. But, at the same time Black Pete is on the look-out to keep Santa safe from his victims. Santa can continue to charm sick people to give up their money to get saved from the misery he created, while Black Pete gets rid of anyone with sane intentions of taking Satan down. There is so much more to the Santa-Satan scam than meets the eye. How can I follow the money, if I am yet to understand all the phases of the scam?
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