How can a slave robbed of his own mind, lose a horse? Does he not know that his life depends on it? Well, the slave will get his later. Set the example, and have him lose more of his mind. It is time to give the job to a more deserving mind-control subject. Let us get the children involved, and threaten them. If there is
no horse, there will be no gifts. Would it not be horrible for the children to get punished for something that they did not do? The burden that was heaped on Black Pete now gets dumped on the children. Find the horse, or else. Oh what fun, it is to pretend the horse has disappeared, to keep children anxious 'willing' victims.
It is an important life lesson though. In this material world, being good does not always pay off. The people in charge do not care about good or bad. They want obedience. If one is good but not submissive one will get punished, while having to watch someone else get away with evil because that person knows how to be - or pretend to be - subservience. However, the Black Pete projection is so distracting that it is difficult for adults, let alone children, to pick up on that lesson.
The children learn that it is okay that one weak white man controls a fleet of strong but dumb slaves. Enter white supremacy. That fun –pleasure – means that they no longer have to take into account the hurt of someone else. Enter psychopaths. That as long as there is candy and 'gifts', they can and should look the other way. They should not think for themselves. Enter zombies. That Black Pete is so dumb that he can lose a horse, but that they are smart as they are being called upon to help find it. Enter supreme delusion. That anxiety is good, it makes the reward seem worth its worthless while. Enter severe trauma. And the list goes on. All adding up to the children becoming worthy slaves like their parents.
See, the ones who created Black Pete do not care what they do to their own either. As long as it serves their goal – to keep all of society under their control – it is not an issue. The children and their parents, do not see that they are not Sinterklaas either. They associate what they perceive as race with the roles. They see a Black slave and white man on a horse. They do not associate with Black, the more as they think of themselves as smart enough to find a horse.
What is left in the picture is Santa Claus. They associate with that sick role, and will act like Santa Claus whenever they can. It is up to Black people to see the dress up, and not fall for the insanity. They are Petes too! The ones in the sweatshops called offices. Working hard out of sight, and truly believing that they are not being victimized by 'Santa' too.
It shows that Sinterklaas (Santa Claus) is not even needed to put people in their Black Pete place. White and Black people alike can trigger the program with ease. Offer a smile, instead of poison candy, with the insult, and get the show on the road. There is no need to wait until December 5th. The program runs the whole day every day. Available for triggering and causing more trauma. Black Pete might still have a bit of a mind of his own that he needs to get robbed off. Just run the program. 'Sinterklaasje kom maar binnen met je knecht.' (Dear Santa Claus, enter with your slave.)
Instead of getting upset with the slaves, I need to make sure that the program has no hold over me. Any emotion that can be aroused from recognizing the program running the minds of other people, should be seen as a need to get rid of more subtle programming from my own mind. To use the ridicule to retrieve more of my precious mind. Other than that, I have no need for Black Petes and Santa Claus. End program.
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