I take offense to the ridicule, but it is the covert operation to hold our children back that really gets me upset. Our children are neglected and abused.
While we all get misinformed. More and more children are drugged for behaving like children, and they get tested on without the parents even understanding what is going on. They are not going to confess what they are doing. They are intent on keeping the lies up, and to misdirect us. It takes a tenacious parent to understand what is really going on.
We have to take responsibility for our children's minds. There is no other way. The savior is not coming. We have to do it ourselves. We are the ones who are responsible for allowing our children even a chance to remain healthy of mind. They are born innocent. Anything that they do as soon as they are able to learn to mimic adults, is what the adults show them to mimic. Children mimic adults all the way into their own adulthood. So, if their behavior seems to be filled with self-hate - even when directed outwardly at others - then it is what they have been taught.
Parents need to infuse the mind of their children with positive images and stories about Black people in the past, the present, and the future. This means that we as parents have to know our history ourselves. One has to be aware of the ancient Olmecs or the Black people who built their pyramids and know that they did so when white history books talk about 'stone age' or 'ice age'.
One needs to know how slavery did not just benefit European aristocrats financially, but wealthy African Kingdoms became dependent on the slave trade too. Those kingdoms did not just acquire wealth by selling off their fellow Africans, more so, slavery was also a handy way of getting rid of their enemies. If they did not have any enemies left, they would simply create some in their midst.
And we need to be able to guide our children into a future that has a place for them as worthy rulers or participants. The children need to know their options. If they choose to work for corporations that do not have their best interest at heart, at least they will know so. If they want to be the top person in a company, then they will know that they have to start one of their own. In that case they will have to learn both sets of rules of the game, and not waste their time on shortcuts or tricks.
The easy part is to get to understand how the white system works. It is a system that does not care about color, but will use it to be able to divide and conquer. It is a system that only cares about money and property. The ones who own the system get to have it, others can maybe have it for a little while before the system takes it all back and then some. So, to depend on the system to do what is best for our children is not a healthy plan. The system is a lie, and that lie is flaunted in our faces.
It is no use to claim equality, or to demand damages for slavery to be paid. The system does not care about apologizing for slavery and paying for any damages. No, in Holland and Belgium they have decided to openly celebrate the way that they controlled the slaves: Santa Claus and Black Pete (Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet). To look at it is to be able to understand their pathology. To understand that they are not interested in closing the wound, the wound is supposed to remain wide open. We are supposed to remain distracted by a short yet profoundly painful period of our past. It is very painful as the system is still in operation. But, we need to understand that it is a short period in time.
It is in light of our-story that one can understand their inherent dislike of Black people. We taught them how to talk, and they have used it to ridicule us. We are ridiculed to believe that we cannot reign and supposedly never have. And many of us have come to believe them. So, it is important to teach our children that they try to hurt us on purpose. The ridicule is intentional. It is another version of the blame-shame game, but with brutal consequences. It is not a coincidence, it is not to be ignored. Children will be able to overstand the ridicule when they know that we were rulers before slaves.
Thus, it is powerful to get ridiculed. We need to know is that the people who ridicule are unable to grow beyond their immature ways. We leave them to their kindergarten, and use are time away from them to mature and step into our power. To be able to step into our power, we need to know ourselves. We need to know how we stand in the past, the present, and the future. This knowledge is to become our wisdom. It is a wisdom that we already have, but we let their lies keep us from it.
It is no use getting upset at average white John and Jane, or Piet en Miep. Most of them or completely enveloped in the debt slavery - much like sharecropping - that the system has laid on them. Most white people are being lied to too. They are promised that there is a middle class that they can be part of. That is if they are willing to sign on the dotted line. Do not envy them. The dotted line is a lie. It is the line that means debt, where there should be freedom. They look for Black people to blame their pain on. What pain though? It is their own greed that led them astray.
Instead of trying to discipline them, we need to attend to our own children and their minds. To understand that their attempt to weaken the self-image and self-worth of our children, is to manipulate them into behaviors that will cause them to undermine their self-esteem themselves. Our children risk internalizing the poison that they suffer at school. Without self-esteem our children cannot grow into mature adults. Instead, they will remain frightened children, like many of our adults seem to be.
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